First Of Its Kind Morning Kollel Opens in Brooklyn

BJXHistory was made in Brooklyn Monday morning with the launch of a new morning Kollel dedicated to inspiring young working men, baalei batim, and less affiliated students ready to take the next step. Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX), Brooklyn’s Kiruv & Chizuk Center Chairman Reb Moishe Caller realized that many men from our community start their day without the opportunity to learn Torah and enter the work day without a much needed injection of ruchniyus. He and the Rav and Rosh Kollel of BJX, Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, planned a special morning program that would be enjoyed by young men and baalei batim and give them a real geshmak in learning.

Each day, Monday through Friday, davening begins at 7:15am. At 8am a delicious Continental breakfast is served consisting of bagels and cream cheese, cereals, fruit, danishes and coffee. During breakfast Rav Fingerer shares a 10 minute dvar Halacha and vort from Sefer Ahavas Chesed. Then everyone breaks up into small groups led by especially selected Yungeleit who serve as Maggidei Shiurim to tackle Perek Kol Shaa in Pesachim. The morning seder ends 8:45am  to enable everyone to get to work but there are many people who stay much past 9am  as they can’t bring themselves to leave from the joy of learning.

BJX2On the first day of the zman Reb Moishe Caller gave a powerful and heartfelt schmooze about the importance of learning every morning. He stressed that Torah learning can make a huge difference in one’s personal and professional life. He attested to the fact that he personally has seen incredible siyata dishmaya in different inyanim and guaranteed the entire crowd that they too will gain considerably from their attachment to learning. He then conducted a well attended chaburah.

Rav Fingerer gave a very fascinating d’var Halacha on the subject of Tefillin Retzuos and then shared some Mussar based on the Sefer Ahavas Chesed. He then gave a brief Pesicha shiur on the second Perek of Pesachim.

BJX is increasing Harbatz H’Torah in a grand way. Whether it’s the inspiring Shabbos davening (Friday night Carlbach, Shabbos morning and Mincha/Shalosh Seudos) the morning Kollel (Coffee club), the night Kollel, or any of its many classes throughout the week, BJX is impacting many lives and returning Jews back to their roots.


For more info – CLICK HERE


(YWN – Studio B)

6 Responses

  1. Wonderful idea! The Kollel Boker (similar to this except it starts/ends earlier) in Miami Beach has been a very popular program since its inception several years ago. Hatzlacha on your endeavor!

  2. Baruch Hashem, its good to hear this type of news among all the other things going on.

    I guess these men live close to where they work. I go to an earlier davening and i barely have time to grab a bite to eat and still I cant make it in by 9.

    Hatzlacha Rabbah and Chazak!

  3. MonseyMedic- you seem like the perfect person to open a place! Be like Nachshon and jump right into the opportunity -I’m sure 10’s of people will thank you for it!

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