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PM Netanyahu has a Difficult Shiva Visit at the Yosef Family

bi2Among the many people who were menachem aveil at the Yosef shiva tent in Har Nof were President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife.

Rabbi David Yosef, a son, asked the prime minister in his late father’s name why they government is harming yeshivos and trying to draft bnei Torah into the military. Rav David explained his late father was very hurt that this question never received a response. Rav David explained that for the late gadol hador the effort to draft bnei yeshivos was more painful for him personally than the loss of his son, referring to Rav Yaakov ZT”L.

The prime minister also got an earful for not working to bring Shas into the coalition, leaving the party in opposition. The questions remain unanswered.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat had a large tent erected on Kablan Street to accommodate the thousands that will be making a shiva visit during the week, and as a result, the street is closed to vehicular traffic during the shiva period. Because of the large number of people making a shiva visit and taking part in tefilos, the latter is held in the large tent along with the shiva.

To remind readers, shiva for Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L is taking place in the gadol hador’s home at 45 Kablan Street in Har Nof.

Shachris at 7:30am

Nichum Aveilim: 10:00am-1:00pm

Mincha 1:00pm

Nichum Aveilim: 4:00pm-7:00pm

Maariv 7:00pm

The family asks the tzibur to please honor the requested time schedule.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Rav David Yosef shlit”a is honoring his father zt”l by bringing up a point that caused his father lots of agmat nefesh, as he said, it “was more painful for him personally than the loss of his son”.

    Before he brought the rasha into the government, Bibi Netanyahu was very close to Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l and discussed with him major issues.

  2. cobycom1 #4: Which is fine. Rav Ovadia is only against those in yeshiva serving in the army. He is not against those not in yeshiva serving in the army.

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