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Stocks Fall as Investors Wait on Washington

stock.jpgStocks ground lower Tuesday as budget gridlock in Washington brought the U.S. closer to an unprecedented default on its debt.

After opening relatively flat, the stock market moved steadily lower in late morning trading. Nervous investors dumped short-term government debt as they worried that the standoff in Washington could jeopardize the nation’s ability to pay its bills, including interest on its debt, as early as next week if Congress doesn’t raise the nation’s borrowing limit.

House Republicans have insisted that a temporary funding bill contain concessions on President Barack Obama’s health care law. The president wants a bill to simply reopen the government, without strings attached.

Stocks stayed lower in the afternoon after Obama said he had told House Speaker John Boehner he’s willing to negotiate with Republicans on their priorities, but not under the threat of “economic chaos.” Speaking at a press briefing in Washington, the president warned that the U.S. risked a “very deep recession” if the debt ceiling wasn’t raised.

“Unfortunately, we’re just held hostage by what’s going on in Washington,” said Dan Veru, Chief Investment Officer of Palisade Capital Management.

The S&P 500 index dropped 13 points, or 0.8 percent, to 1,662 as of 3:31 p.m. Eastern Time. The index is trading at its lowest level in a month. Declines were led by phone companies.

The Dow Jones industrial average fell 92 points, or 0.6 percent, to 14,843. The Nasdaq composite dropped 64 points, or 1.7 percent, to 3,702.

Concerns about the budget impasse have pushed stocks from record levels reached in September. The declines have been small, but steady. The S&P 500 has dropped on 11 out of the past 14 days and has lost 3.8 percent since closing at an all-time high of 1,725 points on Sept. 18.

Stock market volatility will likely increase the closer the U.S. gets to the debt deadline without resolution, said Randy Frederick, Managing Director of Active Trading and Derivatives at the Schwab Center for Financial Research.

“Virtually everyone expects that there will some sort of a resolution,” said Frederick. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if it only came right before the last minute.”

The VIX index, which rises when investors are getting more concerned about stock fluctuations, climbed to its highest level of the year.

Like many investors though, Frederick believes that the sell-off will represent a buying opportunity for those who have a longer-term investment perspective. Low inflation, rising corporate earnings and economic stimulus from the Federal Reserve still make stocks attractive, he says.

U.S. companies will start reporting earnings for the third quarter this week, giving investors something else to think about other than Washington. Aluminum producer Alcoa, which was recently removed from the Dow Jones industrial average, is scheduled to report its earnings after the close of trading Tuesday. JPMorgan and Wells Fargo are also among the companies releasing earnings this week.

There were also signs in the bond market that investors are getting increasingly uncomfortable with the stand-off in Washington.

In government debt trading, the yield on Treasury bills maturing in one month soared to 0.28 percent, hitting its highest yield since the 2008 financial crisis. The yield was 0.15 percent on Monday and close to zero at the beginning of October.

The yield, which rises as the price of the notes fall, has surged as managers of money-market funds become more wary of holding short-term government debt that matures shortly after the debt deadline.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note was little changed at 2.63 percent. The yield on the longer-term note has fallen in the past month, suggesting that investors see any potential default as a short-term phenomenon and are predicting that economic growth will remain subdued in the longer term.

Stocks also slumped the last time that the U.S. came close to hitting its debt ceiling in the summer of 2011. The S&P 500 dipped 5 percent between the start of July and Aug. 2 of that year, when President Barack Obama signed into a law a bill that raised the debt ceiling and promised more than $2 trillion in cuts to government spending over a decade. Stocks extended their slide after S&P cut its rating on U.S. government debt on Aug. 5.

Analysts point out, though, that the global economy was in a far more fragile state two years ago than it is now. Europe was still in the throes of its debt crisis, the U.S. economic recovery was less entrenched and the U.S. budget deficit has shrunk since then.


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