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City Council Candidate Announces Yeshiva Safety Initiative

shLong time community leader, Flatbush Shomrim founder and NYPD community liaison Chaim Deutsch has released details of his planned school safety initiative for private schools, including yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs.

Deutsch, whose children attend Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and Masores Bais Yaakov, knows first-hand the many safety challenges facing concerned parents and private school administrators.

“I’ve been working with Chaim Deutsch for over 15 years,” said Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Rosenshein Of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim. “Every time the city goes on heightened alert, my first call is to Chaim, to make sure our schools and our students are prepared and protected.”

Deutsch’s private school security plan includes a multi layered approach including school safety officers assigned to patrol yeshivas and their perimeters, enhanced cameras and security both inside and out of school buildings, extra police patrols on local trains, busses and streets during late dismissals and coordination with local precincts for special events and late schedules. Additionally, school safety officers will be provided to offer training and safety tips to both school staff and students.

“Chaim Deutsch has been the community’s expert on public safety,” said former NYPD chief and commanding officer of the 70 th precinct, Raymond Diaz. “As founder and long time director of Shomrim , as well as a 20 year police liaison for many yeshivas and shuls in our neighborhood, Chaim has worked with borough chiefs, local commanders, the New York City Office of Emergency Management and other public safety institutions to assist countless members of our community in times of need.”

Flatbush Shomrim member Avrumy Weinreb remarked , “Everybody who has worked with Chaim Deutsch, from the police department to local community members, knows how vital and important he is to the ongoing safety and security of our community. Nobody knows these issues or our community better than Chaim.”

Deutsch looks forward to implementing his proposals as a City Council member, to the benefit of area residents.

“Many of these ideas have been tried on a smaller level with great success, and I am confident that as an elected official, I will be able to create an enhanced public-private partnership between government and the community that will really improve the safety and security of our schools and our neighborhoods,” said Deutsch. “I have seen community policing work and I know we can do even better.”

Chaim Deutsch is the Democratic candidate for City Council in the November 5th general election.

(Midwood, Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach)

9 Responses

  1. Nice photo op above.

    Does Deutsch have a chance of defeating Russian candidate Storobin in a mostly Russian council district?

  2. if you vote and your friedns vote then why not. The people on thedistrict are not lookng at the nationality as much as what the candidate can bring to the table. Strobing never dealt with the police force or any other emergency services. Chaim Deutch has. David Strobin has never.

  3. Seriously, Storobin is only out for himself – how often do we have a chance to vote for a guy like Deutsch who is actually worthy, a solid citizen … And genuinely frum!

  4. Chaim has a chance if you come out and vote. And stop spreading the nonsense about all Russians supporting Storobin. There are many Russians who are disgusted by his BS. If you want a community to be represented, come out and vote for Chaim. He has a record to run on. I am shocked that intelligent people believe Mr. Storobin, an amateur, without any knowledge or even desire to learn.

  5. Mr. Strawbones has proven himself to be non-credible on countless occasions with his double talk.

    Chaim has proven himself to be an honest and dedicated advocate for the ENTIRE Flatbush, not just the district he will inherit. AS a matter of fact, Chaim has often ventured OUTSIDE the Flatbush community to help anyone in need.

    His track record speaks for itself.

    Our community will benefit in so many ways by simply COMING OUT ON ELECTION DAY TO VOTE FOR HIM.

    Why gamble with the new, unknown kid on the block when you have a proven leader and fighter before you.

    Hatzlocha to Chaim!!

  6. I’m amazed that there actually are people in our community that are debating this issue of who is more qualified. Some of the arguments in favor of storobin are pathetic. Wake up everybody and be realistic. I want my wife, children and grandchildren to be able to walk our streets in a safe community. I want my business interests protected. I want my real estate to maintain its value. If we can’t feel safe, all else is irrelevant!!! Chaim Deutsch is the only logical and sane choice. Vote storobin and you might as well move out of Brooklyn!

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