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NYC Charter Backers March Across Brooklyn Bridge

bbrThousands of charter school supporters have marched across the Brooklyn Bridge in a show of strength directed at front-running mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio.

The Democrat de Blasio has said he would charge rent to some charter school operators that now get space in public school buildings for free.

Marchers chanted “No Rent!” as they marched from Brooklyn to City Hall for a news conference Tuesday.

Brooklyn charter school parent Christal Buxton said she hopes the next mayor respects parent choice when It comes to schools.

Charter schools are publicly funded, privately run schools. About 70,000 of New York City’s 1 million-plus public school pupils currently attend charter schools.

Republican candidate Joe Lhota has said he strongly supports charter schools and believes the city needs more of them.


One Response

  1. Here’s something I really don’t understand: DeBlasio is saying he’s going to charge rent, and they’re upset. Why don’t they just vote for Lhota in that case? He’s not mayor yet. He didn’t win yet. Everyone is so sure he;’s going to win, they’re protesting his policies already. DON’T VOTE FOR HIM!!!

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