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Vehicle Attacked by Rocks En Route to Maran’s Levaya

cTwo children sustained light injuries after the family vehicle was attacked by Arabs hurling rocks as they were making their way to the levaya of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L. The attack occurred close to 18:00 on Monday evening, 3 Cheshvan 5774 as the vehicle passed the Shuafat area, in proximity to Bentzion Netanyahu Interchange. Two adults were also in the vehicle. The children were transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.

The driver, Ariel Dorfman, explains they were coming from Tel Aviv and following the instructions of their Waze navigational app. He states that when they arrived at the location where the attack occurred, they heard a whistle and within seconds a number of Arab males appeared and they were under attack.

“We acted instinctually and stopped the vehicle to phone police but a moment later I realized if we stop, we will be killed. It is wild when I realized that we were in life-threatening danger in the heart of Yerushalayim.”

Driving in the vehicle with Dorfman was Yedidya Leibowitz and two of his children. A brother of Yedidya, Elazar HY”D was murdered by Arabs in a terror attack near Hebron on July 26, 2002. Also murdered in that attack were Rabbi Yosef Dikstein, 45, of Psagot, his wife Chana, 42, and their 9-year-old son Shuv’el Tzion HY”D. Two other of their children were injured. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigade claimed responsibility for that attack.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Yehuda Eliyahu)

One Response

  1. they should be able to defend themselves with guns, and maybe that would serve as a detterent to rock throwers. if they keep fleeing in terror, why should they stop. I say haskeim vhargo!

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