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Two Chareidi Teens In Serious Condition After Separate Falling Incidents In Jerusalem

On Tuesday, two Chareidi teenagers fell from heights in separate incidents in Jerusalem over the course of the day.

On Tuesday morning, an 11-year-old Chareidi boy fell off of a porch in his home on Nachum Shadiker Streer in Neve Yaakov. The boy fell approximately 8 meters off of the Sukkah balcony that was built externally as an addition to the apartment.

United Hatzalah volunteers and Magen David Adom ambulance crews treated the boy at the scene before he was transported to Hadassah Har Hatzofim Hospital. He was suffering from major contusions on his legs and a serious chest injury as well as injuries to his major abdominal organs. A spokesperson for the hospital said on Tuesday night that the boy is in serious condition but stable.

The second incident occurred on Tuesday evening, when a 15-year-old boy fell from heights in a Shul on Binyamin Mintz Street, in the neighborhood of Ramot Polin. United Hatzalah volunteers and MDA ambulance teams once again responded to the emergency and treated the boy at the scene before transporting him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. According to rescue teams at the scene, the boy fell two stories.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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