WATCH: R’ Reuven Feinstein Speaks 500 Jewish Bodies Will Be Cremated

The term “​meis mitzvah”​ is one that evokes the purest, most genuine and heartfelt feelings among Jews. Many people might assume that it is a ​mitzvah​ that is reserved for a select few, the heroes of the ​chevrah kadisha​ who undertake the burial of those without family. But that is not the case.

The Hebrew Free Burial Association is an organization that enables every single person to have a part in the extraordinary ​zechus​ of ensuring proper burial for every single Jew, no matter their background or financial status.

Astoundingly, theHebrew Free Burial Associationburies approximately 350 people a year – almost one person a day. These are individuals who don’t have family or lack the funds to pay for a proper ​kevurah​, as well as ​niftarim​ that may have been lying in a morgue with no one stepping up to perform this ​chesed shel emes.

In almost all these cases, if not for Hebrew Free Burial Association’s intervention, these bodies would be cremated or deposited in a city cemetery or potter’s field.

The association’s work is always daunting, but the coronavirus pandemic presented unprecedented challenges.

“Unfortunately, we were inundated with an unprecedented number of ​niftarim d​ ue to the virus,” says one of the organizers.

The association had no choice but to purchase a refrigerated trailer to place on site to hold the niftarim.

“One some days, we were performing ten ​taharahs​ in a row, for ten hours straight, ​r”l​,” said a member of the association’s staff. “It was unlike anything we’d experienced before.”

With each ​niftar​ costing about $5,400, the additional cases handled this year cost the organization over $1 million.

HFBA covers the costs of the ​taharah​, the ​tachrichim​, the casket and the actual burial. The association owns a cemetery in Staten Island, where the entire process is carried out by a team of dedicated men and women in an incredible display of selflessness and care.

Endorsed by Rav Reuven Feinstein,Rav Hershel Schacter, Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many leading Rabbonim.​ The organization’s rabbinical advisor is Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens Chevra Kadisha and founder and director of the Association of Chevros Kadisha.


The association has never before held a wide-ranging fundraising effort, but the additional costs it has incurred during the pandemic period has compelled it to reach out to the wider community for vital assistance.

“We know that even a ​kohein gadol​ can be ​metamei​ for a ​meis mitzvah​,” says a senior staff member of the organization. “Supporting Hebrew Free Burial Association offers a triple ​mitzvah opportunity: ​chesed shel emes, meis mitzvah ​and​ tzedakah​. This is a tremendous ​zechus.​”

To contribute to the Hebrew Free Burial Association and have a zechus in this priceless mitzvah CLICK HERE

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