Op-Ed: Have We Lost Our Way? Or Is This The New Direction?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

On the one hand, he is perceived by many asboth lovable and adorable.  His speech patterns, his angelic and child-like facial countenance, remind us all of that cutey-pie roly-poly little boy who was cutely defiant of the teacher and principal back in fifth or sixth grade – a defiance that always exacerbated both of them.  It is just that that cutey-pie little boy is now 58 years old.

On the other hand, his antics and statements have inspired hundreds to openly defy authority.  The first time that most Jews outside of Boro Park really heard about him was when he went around with bolt-cutters in hand, opening parks that the city had bolted shut.  There were cheers, praises, and ovations.

But is this what we want to teach our children – to openly defy the law and relish it?   And how is it exactly that he has become our de-facto leader? The rallies in Boro Park highlighted the burning of masks. Many cheered, others were horrified.

Do not masks represent the very symbol of protection against a disease that has killed thousands and thousands among us?  One frum journalist was called a Nazi by the adorable cutie-pie, and, according to many counts, he encouraged a crowd of people to chase him down.  Are these excesses or is this person an emerging Jewish leader among us?  If they are excesses, why has no responsible Jewish leader come forward to say enough is enough?

The ways of our parents and grandparents have always been not to draw attention to ourselves – either for bad or for good.  Has our rallying in the streets, and our burning of masks, earned a new respect for us among the citizenry?  Is America different?  Has Boro Park become the new Peoria, the traditional test-marketing venue for America?

Also, what do halacha and Torah sources have to say about all of this?  Finally, how did we get here?


First of all, we must understand that such a situation has emerged through the combination of three unique factors and circumstances:

  • Unprecedented pressures of both a financial nature and a socio-religious/spatial nature.
  • Openly hypocritical statements and behaviors of our politicians that border on anti-Semitism.
  • The lack of clear answers and solutions from our religious and political leaders.

Let us briefly discuss each of them.


The authorities have closed down our businesses, and have prevented us from making a living.  Now, in the second wave, they are randomly and unfairly closing down our businesses once again, devastating our incomes, and are randomly and unfairly limiting our social activities.  We cannot even take our children out to play – because they have removed and restricted every venue.

We are cooped up in our homes with children, with lots of children. They forbade our schools, our camps, our local parks.  They have chained our women indoors while the men scramble to eke out a living. We cannot attend our funerals.  We cannot celebrate Bar Mitzvahs. We cannot celebrate our weddings.  We cannot even attend synagogues or go to schools and learn our Torah.  They have taken away our life-blood – our very souls.

And in terms of finances – they have shuttered our businesses to such an extent that a once relatively wealthy community is now forced to be receiving food-handouts.


This seg-ways directly into the second factor.  They have done all of this in the name of our safety, they have painted us with the darkest of brush-strokes, depicting us in Der Sturmer-like caricatures, an uncaring selfish people concerned only about themselves, and yet they have allowed the BLM protests to continue among it all with no regard to the strictures that they have placed upon us.  The governor has used words and terms, laying the blame of this disease directly upon our doorsteps.  He has also sprung all of this upon us during a Jewish holiday and has placed a $15,000 fine upon any that do not comply.  He claimed he had a good conversation with Jewish leaders, which was actually a one-way diktat – not a conversation at all.  And to add fuel to the fire –  the picture that he had initially used of religious Jewish non-compliance was an old one that pre-dated COVID.

Some have accused Governor Cuomo as doing all of this to eclipse his March 25th directive.  They have said that Cuomo has not flattened the curve – he has increased it dramatically and has suppressed the accurate reporting of how many deaths of NURSING HOME RESIDENTS occurred because of his directive.  Those that were transferred out of the NURSING HOMES to the hospitals before they died, were not counted.

That directive stated, “During this global health emergency, all NURSING HOMEs must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NURSING HOMEs. Residents are deemed appropriate for return to a NURSING HOME upon a determination by the hospital physician or designee that the resident is medically stable for return.

Hospital discharge planners must confirm to the NURSING HOME, by telephone, that the resident is medically stable for discharge. Comprehensive discharge instructions must be provided by the hospital prior to the transport of a resident to the NURSING HOME.

No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NURSING HOME solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NURSING HOMEs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”


The lack of clear answers and solutions has also not helped.  The fact is that we should have gotten hold of dozens of ten by ten mini-tents without sidewalls and have davened outdoors, with masks and social distancing.  Indeed, federal law forbade the governor from restricting this (See Judge Gary Sharpe’s ruling of June 26th pp 37 and 38, #2).  Our leadership, for some reason did not offer this possibility, perhaps out of a fear that we would be painted once again as selfish and placing others at risk.


While we can understand the factors that have led to the rise of the adorable and lovable newly emerging leader, we do have a main directive from hashem Himself that we must all follow.  And that is not to create Chillul Hashem.

And, make no mistake, this person has created one chillul Hashem after the other.  His actions and comments have become the source of unprecedented anti-Semitism as well.  We will not discuss the details, the name-calling, the Nivul Peh.  Let us just learn some Torah.

Every Jew is commanded not to desecrate Hashem’s Name, as the pasuk states: “Lo sechalalu es shaim kodshi.” The Mitzvah is listed in the 613 Mitzvos of the Rishonim and in the Sefer haChinuch 295. Indeed, if someone causes others to make Chillul Hashems – the Shulchan Aruch rules that he should be put in Cherem (YD 334).

The Gemara in Pesachim 3a cite Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: A person should never allow an unseemly word to come out of his mouth, for the Torah went eight letters out of its way to avoid writing something unseemly (Bereishis 7:8). The Torah states “min ha’beheima asher einena tehorah” — from the animal that is not pure” instead of just saying, “Ha’beheimah ha’temei’ah — the animal that is impure.” Many extra words are used by the Torah to teach us this important lesson — not to sully our neshamos in this manner.

Clearly, we should carefully weigh whatever we do to ensure that no Chillul Hashem come about because of our action.


The Rambam (Yesodei Torah 5:4) explains that Chillul Hashem is actually the opposite of Kiddush Hashem. This is a good rule of thumb to follow when one wishes to explore what exactly is a Chillul Hashem. Nonetheless, it is also important to examine what Chazal tell us specifically. The lack of clarity on the issue has created a situation where it could reasonably be said that one man’s Kiddush Hashem is another man’s Chillul Hashem.

For example, some people think that show of strength is an example of Kiddush Hashem. Others feel that an abuse of strength is, in actuality, a grave Chillul Hashem. It is thus important to see what Chazal and Poskim tell us in order to have a better gauge of the issue. It is not that this examination will resolve any issues between people who are arguing points among each other. But, hopefully, it will give a number of us greater insights.


Chillul Hashem can be categorized in different ways.

1] There are a number of different categories of Chillul Hashem that are differentiated in some of the Rishonim.

2] There are Aveiros that the Psukim in the Torah call a Chillul Hashem.

3] There are behaviors that, no matter who the Jew actually is, also constitute a Chillul Hashem.

It seems that there are three different categories found in the Rishonim.

One category is when one if forced to violate one of the three cardinal sins that we must give up our lives for. If someone did not do so, this is a Chillul Hashem according to Sefer HaMitzvos (#63).

A second category is whenever one purposefully does an Aveirah out of spite – this too is considered a Chillul Hashem (Sefer HaMitzvos, ibid).


A third category is when an important person does something that causes people to talk – even if it would generally not be considered an Aveirah (Shabbos 51b). This is considered a Chillul Hashem because people will learn from him. The Gemorah explains that greater the person is the more careful he must be.

According to the SMAG #2 and SMaK #85, however, category three is even if is not an important person but a regular Talmid Chochom whose actions cause people to talk – this too is Chillul Hashem. These authorities also say that when a Jew does any action that will cause Goyim to say, “The Jews have no Torah” – this is a Chillul Hashem.


There is actually a debate as to the reason for the third category of a great person. Is it because he has a higher standard in which to comply with? This is what Rabbeinu Yonah (Avos Mishna 4:4) and the Rambam (Maamar Kiddush Hashem) write. Others understand it because other people will learn from him. Other Rishonim hold that it is because the Torah will be lessened in the eyes of others because of him (Rashi on tractate Shabbos 33a).

This author would venture to say that, nowadays, with the growth of social media, the important person category can be expanded to include “frum person” too – especially when no Rabbi or Torah leader denounces the behavior.


What are examples of category three? The Gemorah (Yuma 86a) gives us illustrations. Rav gives an example of a Talmid Chacham that doesn’t pay the butcher bill right away. Rav Yochanan gives as an example of Chillul Hashem of a Talmid Chochom that goes without Torah and without Tefillin for 4 amos. Rav Yochanan’s explanation assumed that the onlooker does not realize that the Talmid Chochom just had a marathon session of Torah study and did not have the strength to continue further or the strength of intent to wear the Tefillin properly.

There are some observations that can be made from these illustrations. In regard to Chillul Hashem, according to Rabbi Yochanan, “perception is reality.” According to Rav, we have established the notion that it also involves a Middah, a character trait, or behavior and not just an actual sin.


There are specific Aveiros that the Torah itself specifically calls Chillul Hashem (See, for example, VaYikra 19:12). Most of these have to do with falsely swearing (shavuos) (See Rashi Taanis 23a), although giving one’s child to the Molech (VaYikra 18:21) is also called a Chillul Hashem by the Torah.

Abusing justice by the judges is also a grave Chillul Hashem.

The Gemorah also provides Psukim that back up the idea that certain activities such as going to Goyish courts is a grave Chillul Hashem (Gittin 88b).

Anything having to with Avodah Zarah (See Rabbeinu Yona Avos 4:4 based on Yechezkel 20:39) is also considered a Chillul Hashem.


Anyone who sins and causes others to sin – choteh umachti es harabbim is actively being mechalel shaim Hashem (Rashi Yuma 86a).

Another form of Chillul Hashem is when it is pointed out to the world that Klal Yisroel is not doing their job. The Beis Yoseph explains (YD 254) that if a poor person needs to be supported through gentiles – this is a situation of Chillul Hashem. It is, in fact, forbidden for him to do so unless he has nothing to eat. Regardless, it is forbidden for us, the community, to allow the situation to continue.

If Jews are aware that someone Jewish is going to falsely swear in front of gentiles that he does not owe money, when the gentile knows that he does – this is a situation of Chillul Hashem. The Jews must stop him from swearing falsely and rather must work it out with the gentile. This is a ruling in the Ramah in Shulchan Aruch in the laws of Shvuos ( YD 239:1).

Generally speaking, we are permitted to take donations from a gentile for a synagogue. However, if the gentile gave it to something specific in shul – we may not change it for anything else because of the Chillul Hashem aspect of it. One may do so, however, under certain circumstances if the donation was made by a Jew. [TaZ’s explanation of ruling in Shulchan Aruch YD 259:6]

The Bach in a responsa (#111, old) cites the Sefer Chassidim (#829) that if it is the custom among the gentiles to forbid a certain food because a horrible sin was done with it– then Jews should also refrain from eating it. This is on account of Chillul Hashem.

Publicizing a previously performed Aveirah that was unknown may also be a form of Chillul Hashem (see Tehillim 32:1 from Yuma 86a.) Therefore, when an Aveirah is not publicly known – one should not say a public vidui.

Physical relations with gentiles is also considered a Chillul Hashem (Rambam Issurei Biah 12:6).

Whenever it is possible to minimize a Chillul Hashem we should do this. This is seen from many Poskim, for example, Chsam Sofer (OC Vol. I #61). One such illustration, an extreme one, can be seen from the following idea:

Even though we no longer have the ability to deal with cases of capital punishments – there are times when Bais Din must act out of Migdar Milsa, especially out of Chillul Hashem. There was such a case where a person [warning: impending euphemisim] “blessed” Hashem and he was punished most severely because of the Chillul Hashem involved (See Teshuvos HaRosh 17:8 cited in Darchei Moshe CM 425).

What is shocking about this latter illustration is that nowadays we cannot perform capital punishment and if we do, it would constitute a capital offense on us as well. And yet to prevent Chillul Hashem, Beis Din allowed it in that instance, in order to minimize the Chillul Hashem of someone “blessing” Hashem. It is this author’s belief that the very term for the prohibition is referred to by the sages as “Blessing Hashem” in order to minimize the Chillul Hashem of the entire idea. [It should be noted that nowadays this ruling of the Rosh is not applicable at all.]


The Gemorah tells us (Kiddushin 40a) Ain Makifin b’Chillul Hashem – this means that Hashem pays back (in punishment) a Chillul Hashem right away. What this means is subject to some interpretation (two views even being found in the Gemorah), but we see from all of this the gravity of Chillul Hashem.


It would seem that if even a significant minority of the public would perceive it as a Chillul Hashem – then it is – even if we personally do not think so. But regardless of our perception, it is clear that every activity or endeavor that is in the public eye should be carefully weighed to ensure that we do not violate this most fundamental principle. This should be done by asking responsible Rabbonim whose sense of achrayus to the Torah community is unimpeachable – it should not be done on one’s own authority – no matter how lovable and adorable we are perceived to be.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

30 Responses

  1. Proud, don’t be so proud. What the Rabbi said is correct as the Rambam Hilchas Yesodei Hatorah (5,11) and the Klei Yokor in Parashas Devorim on pnu lochem tzofano, being in galus we should be hidden by not creating anti-semitism. Sbame on you for not respecting him a prominent Rabbi, as Yeshayohu Hanovi says tbat when the young (in knowledge) will not respect the elderly, zaken bechochma (in knowledge) will be a time of Meshiach.

  2. “Proud republican” You have sadly earned your name in full. “Proud” because pride, when you have nothing worthwhile of which to be proud, is a big avero. You are dochek, pushing away at the Throne of The King of Kings about whom the verse says Hashem moloch geyus lovesh. Only Hashem is the One who wears pride. Here in England, the most popular venue for a goy is the pub. The owner is known as the publican. You are excessive in that by being a re-publican. With your arrogant title you are proving that we truly are in the era of the imminent arrival of Moshiach. About this time period, our sages tell us “Eyn tochocha”, there is no rebuke. People who are told off, completely reject the reprimand and arrogantly stand their ground in their evil ways without giving the rebuke the slightest chance of making any impression to get them to change their ways. Rabbi Hoffman shlit”a, a veritable, straight-talking, Talmid Chochom is quite correctly pointing out the ills of our generation. Not out of hatred or arrogance, but out of pure concern that further harm should not ensue. To criticize someone who yells at you to turn back before you carry on driving towards a road bridge over a river, where the one yelling at you knows that the middle of the bridge is broken, is simply madness. Wake up! Listen to what you are being told and drop your arrogance. About such an attitude we are told that people at the time of the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash arrogantly mocked and scorned the Prophets who carried the warning of the imminent destruction that Hashem was about to bring if they would not repent. Do not spit at the one who tells you off. Come down off your high horse and be humble enough to accept the words of truth and live to see another day and hopefully a new and happy world that will arrive soon. Good Shabbos.

  3. By Chilul Hashem no respect is bestowed. It says,ein eitza ein tevuna neged Hashem, when something is against Hashem, there is no alternative advice or understanding.

  4. First of all Heshy Tischler stepped in because there was zero leadership until things got out of hand. No leader in any Mossad wore a mask. So followers followed. Once the government started harassing the community the crowds let loose. Kids are not in school and they are bored. They need action.

  5. Let me say this loud and clear.
    Heshy Tishler is the replacement of Dov Hikind. While Hikind seat was actually taken by Kalman Yeger, he does not have the Chutzpah, the loudmouth attitude that Hikind had.
    Heshy Tishler has taken that position, and will grow into it as did Hikind.
    Now, we all know that Hikind was never accepted by mainstream orthodox Rabbonim for exactly that reason. But guess what, it is needed.
    There is a time for diplomacy and there is a time for battle.
    In case you don’t like ME saying that, let’s hear it from the wisest of all men: עת מלחמה ועת שלום.

  6. a few points;
    1. you saw the clips of the 2 nights chol hamoed and were uncomfortable or worse , did you drive by on the 3rd night- i did down 13 from 41 to 51.. there wasnt a soul aside for a NY1 truck in front of td bank. it evaporated
    2. for those that dont understand bp.. this was not some organised responsible rally.. rather it was night activity spread by whats app that there will be action ( A MATZAV) on 13ave . there were few tishen & simchas beis hashoeve. free time… if there was a good car crash or fire you would have just as many people..almost no one was over 18. people in bp that i spoke with DONT BELIEVE that the world at large takes any of this seriously. like we dont care about the protest in east ny
    3.there is no comparison to BLM and this is not some derech…and almost none of the people present care about tishler ( there is a small percent that feel someone is speaking up…)
    4.many of the senior rabonim believe that goyim can understand that school is essential both economically, religiously & education.. & trying to stay open ..despite the gov objections is OUR CHANUKA MOMENT.
    chilul hashem; most people reading rav hoffmans article didnt know about the first 2 categories of chillul hashem which shed light on the concept.. being sensitive to what the goy thinks is usually in proportion to your level of hisbadlus ( how much an emphasis on being insular & separate/ did u notice the more yeshivish a class the more trouble they make by english( both wrong)

  7. You remind me of the the ever-so-correct German jew, who in 1938 saw a fellow jew sitting on the park bench. He told him to get off the bench and out of the park, because of ‘Dina D’Malcuso! while pointing at the the sign ‘JUDA FARBOTTEN’ !!!

  8. The American left has been steadily moving to the concept of “Freedom from religion”, i.e. , the the duty of the government is free people from the grasp of religion. This was bound to happen sooner or later. Certainly migration to a more conservative state might be an option. But the bottom line is that after 250 years of safety and freedom in the United States, we need to get used to the idea of again being a persecuted minority.

  9. Tischler looks angelic and childlike…I didn’t know that … But what I do know now is how our people went like sheep to the slaughter during the Holocaust. All the trying to clamp down on raising the alarm about first the mistreatment and later persecution of Jews was silenced by the co-called “leaders” in Europe. I amd seeing this happen again. It’s amazing how history repeats itself. Our people are being blamed and scapegoated and singled out and instead of speaking out many of our “leaders” are bashing those who are raising the alarm against the dangerious racism of public officials. How stupid can people be?

    I guarantee that in the future Tischler will be judged as a hero and these so-called “leaders” who are tryijng to silence the voices of protest will be judged as cowards and worse for trying to silence the Jewish voices crying out in warning.

  10. Tischler often acts like a psychopath.
    Surely he does have some good points but his delivery is all too often rude and combative when it doesn’t need to be. It’s okay to be tough when needed but one should not compromise their integrity and act like a low life they make a point. He is embarrassing in a lot of his outrages and of course always soliciting folks to watch/listen to his radio/YouTube show.

  11. Rabbi Hoffman I really respect you. I’m not a posek so I can’t argue with what you say. BUT I think you and Mr Rechnitz are missing a very important point. This is the comment I wrote on Mr. Rechnitz article the same applies to this article.
    Mr. Rechnitz Sorry you’re WRONG , WRONG, WRONG. I don’t know Mr. Tischler and I don’t like his style, but I live here in Boro Park Brooklyn and you live in L.A. I look at Mr Tischler as filling a vacuum. Before I get to that let me be blunt You fell into the trap of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. Last Thursday I scrolled some of the general news sites. You would think there was 4 hours of rioting when there was this one incident which as it turns out was personal in nature. This is why your blasting Mr. Tischler because of what you read on the news. I live nearby so I went over to see what was going on MEIR G is correct. (see his comment above) The bottom line is in America today, even before Trump, is kol d’alma gevar The strongest, loudest is who gets heard, other wise you’re perceived as a weakling and a pushover. What vacuum is Tishler filling? Maybe replacing Hikind as B. A. Mentch wrote above, Or a general leadership void. I said it back in March. There were doctors, rabbonim, askonim, Hatzolah saying that anyone that goes to shul or has people over on Pesach is a rotzaiach, yet I saw many people walking to shuls I had neighbors who had their families over. Then you had chosheve rabbonim who had their shuls open. Yes, they gave their reasons but again once someone finds a heter it becomes a heter. Two, and the most important reason I disagree with you. Our grandparents had no chance to protest the Czars or any other tyrant. America affords us freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom to assembly. Now the million dollar question where do you draw the line? Who is daas Torah? Was Meir Kahana right for protesting? Was The Soviet Jewry Movement right? Was Peleg in Eretz Yisroel right. Were hafgonos right. Were Satmar and Neterei Karta right for protesting in front of the Israeli Embassy? Obviously you need Dass Torah, but who is daas Torah Just like many people did what they wanted in March they do what they want in other areas of yehadus. You blast Tischler for protesting is this the first time he did something like this? He’s been doing this for a number of years albeit a little quieter. All you did is make him stronger in the eyes of his supporters.

  12. hi couldnt you release this article before rechnitz came out with his wheres your “satmarkeit” to stand up for what is. right typical rabbi generic who is scared to stand up to the gevir , wheres your specialness that make you unique that your reb aharon kotler no, instead you wait until shlomo jehudah comes out with his article and then you flourishingly produce yours.

  13. @proud republican
    Judging by your grammar (or lack thereof), and your outrageous chutzpah towards a respected rav like Rabbi Hoffman, it is no surprise at all that you gravitate towards that tippush Tischler. Feh.

  14. Most of these problems are limited to New York (and perhaps a few other hyper-blue states). The last time that New York’s government was simultaneously tolerating open anti-Jewish activities, and also destroying the economy with anti-business policies, the votes responded by voting out the mayor (David Dinkins) and the governor (Mario Cuomo). If in a year or two New York’s leaders are no longer supporting anti-Jewish policies, and have decided not to destroy the economy in the hope that will lead to a socialist utopia, the current unpleasantry will be just a memory.

    Or the current attitudes in New York will spread nationally, and we will forever be telling children about the good old days back when Jews were safe and prosperous in a far off place we will never want to see again.

  15. How about we stop using words like rodef and rotzaiach? How about no one speaks to media? How about no one reports to authorities? How about adults make adult decisions. I’m not sure why this is so complicated. Am I the only one who thinks that both sides are wrong?

  16. The Refoel M from England made a very strong point. Kudos to you.
    The bickering here if Heshy appointed himself or we need him cuz we have no representation is superfluous. We dont need any loudmouth rebel rouser which only besmirched us so badly.
    Lets all stay away from what resulted in an immeasurable horrible Chilul Hashem and just listen to authentic Torah people to stand away from behavior as such.
    Gut Shabos to all.

  17. R” Hoffman has some good points. However, the premise that this issue is a matter of chilul hasheim is debatable. For starters, from his vague proofs we see that he shot the arrow and then drew the target around it. The issue of CH is applied way too broadly. All the mare makomos which are cited are only referring to those specific situations which can be classified as a halachic prohibition. All other situations while in theory can effect chilul hasheim are not automatically categorized as a halachic prohibition. We don’t need to look further than the shtadlanus that was practiced in the heim, even when the government was originally opposed to certain inyanim (e.g. the issue of learning secular subjects). How could the gedolei harabbanim taken part in these battles if it could result in CH? Clearly, not all chilul hasheim are halachicly problematic. Furthermore, how could the Aguda have taken the Governor to court if it would possibly result in CH? No doubt the Aguda’s rabbanim do not maintain that all issues of CH are halachicly problematic.

  18. As I quoted the Rambam above, chilul Hashem is dependent on expectaions. If he did not create it himself, he contributed to it by having others follow his lead.

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