14 Jewish Students Suspected in Attacks Against Arabs in Yerushalayim

mishtJerusalem police on Sunday, 2 Cheshvan 5774 reported the arrest of fourteen Jewish students in recent weeks, all suspected in price tag attacks against Arabs. The suspects in custody are not all Jerusalem residents, ranging in age from 13-18.

Last week YWN-ISRAEL reported the arrest of four suspects for allegedly damaging and destroying tombstones in the Greek Orthodox Church cemetery in the area of the tziyun of David HaMelech in addition to the arrests of youths suspected in attacks against Arab vehicles in the capital. These arrests led to additional arrests police explain, citing at least 20 incidents in which Arab motorists traveling on Derech Chaim Bar Lev in Yerushalayim were attacked with rocks.

Four of the suspects arrested have already been released with restrictions due to their young age. The Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Sunday extended the remand of three of the youths for five days. The remainder is in custody and police signal additional arrests are to be expected.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Kol hakovod to the police who captured these thugs and vandals. Hopefully, all of those shown to have committed these acts will be given long prison sentences as a deterrent against future actions like this which only incite more Palestinian attacks. They are know better than the terrorists whose behavior they emulate and deserve to be treated the same. The parents should be made to pay the costs of and property damage and held accountable should there be injuries.

  2. #1.
    Slow down!
    I noticed the word “suspected”.
    This could have been another “set-up” like many times in the past.
    Why arent you judging favorably?
    Our cousins out there dont like us too much and the Cops out there sometimes like to balance things out too. You seem like you woke up with a headach today.

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