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Israel Municipal Elections: Elad

eladMost would agree that in the in the chareidi tzibur, the Elad election is generating the most discussion. Leading the Shas list in the mayoral race is Tzuriel Krisfel, who is a veteran community resident and activist and who served on the first city council. Opposing him is the Ashkenazi candidate, Sruly Porush, a son of Yahadut Hatorah MK Meir Porush and a former deputy mayor in the city.

While Elad is overwhelmingly Sephardi Porush is running with the knowledge is enjoys the support of the Yemenite community headed by Barak Tzabari. He hopes to split the Sephardi vote while earning the Ashkenazi vote, and thereby becoming the next mayor.

Tzabari, who enjoys widespread support, has come out publically for Porush. However, Yemenite rabbonim in the city began pressuring Tzabari to support the Shas candidate. After hours, days and weeks of negotiations, Shas leader Aryeh Deri visited Elad last week and an election agreement was signed by which Tzabari backs Krisfel, not Porush.

Perhaps what has Tzabari favoring Porush is the fact that Shas has not placed a member of the Yemenite community on its list. Shas explains that the list was made while Tzabari was backing Porush and while in the past there was a Yemenite, this time it is not the case, blaming him. The Tze’irim list also signed on with Shas to support Krisfel and in return, the first two on the list, Avi Dayan and Chaim Genasi are on the Shas list for city council.

Tov, known by some as the “new chareidim” is also running in Elad, and the list is headed by Aaron Kornfeld. Kad ( קד) is running with Yahadut Hatorah and after Porush on the list are Avraham Stern, Chaim Meir Katz, Moshe Bardugo and Shmuel Grossbard. The city’s leading Chabad Rav, Rabbi Schneur Zalman Yuroslovsky has announced he is backing Porush.

The Porush camp released a message to the press that they are sorrowed that after Barak Tzabari came out publically and backed the Porush campaign that he went back on his word and signed a deal with Shas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. From the article is sounds like the main “issue” for discussion is that the yemenite vote is blowing in the wind?
    Crispel is not a resident as far as I know…not in the phonebook either…since they literally chased him out of Elad after his period ended…was NOT popular then.
    I admit I’m not that interested in politics, but this time around it’s simply gone overboard. Yes Crispel is running, but he came out of no were, and everyone I have talked to so far does NOT like him…even the sfardi ones, but most said they would vote for him because the rav said so. While saying this, one person is frantically building in his house to be finished before Crispel might win and destroy said addition. He destroyed Elad last he was mayor, again something I haven’t heard anyone refute.
    Not saying Porush is better, he has enough going against him as well, be he IS in fact a local.
    I’m not sure what is meant by “new charedim” but tov, besides kornfeld who lives in ganei hadar which is close by, are all locals who don’t care about the mayor, they jsut want to try and change thing in the city for the better.

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