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Israel Municipal Elections: Modi’in Illit

modiThere are four lists vying for seats on the city council. Efforts to establish a united list failed and therefore, the parties will be running independently in the 18 Marcheshvan municipal elections.

Shas is running alone for slots on the city council, with Avner Amar heading the list. The Bnei Torah and Kad ( קד)lists are running independently against the incumbent, Yaakov Gutterman. The latter heads the local Yahadut Hatorah list, followed by Mordechai Goldberg, Ori Yafeh, Tuvia Freind and Nachum Gitler.

The bnei Torah list is combined with Kad, headed by Avraham Berger, who is also hoping to become the next mayor.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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