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Obama: House Speaker Boehner Only One Keeping The Government Shut Down

obanPresident Barack Obama says House Speaker John Boehner is the only thing standing in the way of reopening the federal government.

Obama is speaking at a small business just outside of Washington on the third day of the shutdown. He says Boehner is preventing a vote on a funding bill because he doesn’t want to anger “extremists” in his party.

The president is calling on Boehner to quickly hold a vote on a bill free of extra demands. The president met with Boehner and other congressional leaders at the White House for more than an hour Wednesday, but no agreement was reached.

Obama says the longer the shutdown goes on, the worse the impact on the U.S. economy will be.


9 Responses

  1. So it seems that Obama is insisting that the only option is for the Republicans to agree to policies that they sincerely (and probably correctly) will undermine the economy. Of course Obama believes that he is the savior of the country, so of course he won’t agree to what the infidels believe (typical of those with messiah-complexes).

  2. John Boehner is defending what he was elected to defend, and has made several offers to break this impasse.

    Obama is acting like a baby refusing to compromise or work out anything, blaming others.

    Blaming others usually will redound on himself eventually, such as mid-term elections November 2014.

  3. Boehner more willing to compromise then Obama as V was willing t ogo from no funding of Obamacare to delaying it for one year!! Obama is not willing to delay it at all!!!

  4. Reid let the Senate vote on the House bill. Boehner should let the House vote on the Senate bill. There is really no reason for the Democrats to negotiate until we know how much support the Senate’s approach has in the House.

  5. hey if the senate accepted the bill that congress passed, then the government would never have shut down, but Harry Ried and his cronies nixed it. So maybe Harry Ried is in the way!

  6. I just realized!! Obama is that guy when his toilet breaks he wont call the plumber! He will go down the road get a couple of people and start giving a speech about it!! Well if he just turned around he would see the sign it says “24/7 Plumbing service” GET IT??!!

  7. obuma e what crazy. he can’t ever see what he is doing work and blames somebody else. he is still in the 3rd grade. Somebody else is always wrong, Bush, the Republicans but he is lilly white. Hashem save us from the egomaniac

  8. Commenter no. 1: Maybe the president does not consider himself a savior. Maybe he thinks the Affordable Care Act, which his opponents name “Obamacare,” was lawfully enacted by Congress, lawfully upheld by the Supreme Court, and in effect ratified in the last presidential election, when he was re-elected by a substantial majority and his party retained control of the Senate. Maybe he thinks that if the opponents of Obamacare want to repeal Obamacare, they should win control of both houses of Congress, and win the White House, and repeal it lawfully. Or is that too socialistical for you?

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