Brooklyn Kosher Bakery Pursues Initiative To Offer Discounts To Those Affected By Shutdown


The government shutdown is going into its third day at midnight and there’s not indication that the standoff in Washington may come to an end very soon.

In the meantime, some good hearted people have taken the initiative to offer government employees or citizens affected by the various services shut down some relief.

One of them is Abraham Weiss, owner of Weiss Bakery in Borough Park (remember the Weiner/bakery video?), who put up a sign on the window of his bakery offering a 50 percent discount for government employees, until the shutdown crisis is resolved.

“We took this necessary step, although it’s a minor one, to offer help to those who are affected by this crisis, as it pertains to basic necessities,” Mr. Weiss told YWN.


While Mr. Weiss acknowledged that it may not appeal to too many residents in the area, it would at least serve the purpose for other business owners, especially those who own a chain of stores nationwide, to follow suit. “This was my idea,” Mr. Weiss said. “And I urge everyone out there to offer relief to citizens who struggle to make ends meet, and step up to the plate in a time of need.”

Weiss Kosher Bakery is at: 5011 13th avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. If you want to help people, there are ways you can do it. Giving a 50% discount on baked goods in exchange for thousands of dollars worth of publicity is not chesed in my books.

  2. Government employees have easy jobs lots of benefits pensions etc. achainu Bnei Yisroel lots of them jobless – let’s help and worry about them

  3. Great nice going to offer discounts to government un employed. Even if they r on UIibsurance. But where were u during sandy. Or after financial melt down in 2007

  4. Seriously, Richashu? “thousands of dollars worth of publicity”?!?! From a small piece of paper hanging in the Window? There are plenty of government employees in Brooklyn, from IRS employees to people who work in the federal courthouses. Jerks like you can fund criticism and negativity in almost anything….

  5. Several cynical comments were made about an offer to help those who may be financially affected by the federal shutdown. For some people the glass is always half empty. I would rather say thanks to the bakery for their consideration. Others should volunteer to help and not by so critical.

  6. What about giving a 50 percent discount all the people who are affected by Obama? That would be those of us who are either un or underemployed. Or those of us whose health insurance premiums have more than doubled in the last 3 years? Or those of us being forced to change our policy even though we actually like our policy, despite what the big shucher rosha said?

  7. Nice gimic. Those employees will get paid, they always have. That’s the pattern. All it is, is paid time off. A Social Security employee I know is upset that he had to go to work.

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