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Over 93 Percent of Government Employees Considered Non Essential

nonessentialMore than nine out of every ten employees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are considered “non-essential” and have been furloughed in the federal government’s shutdown.

Reuters obtained an EPA guidance in which the agency said it would “classify 1,069 employees, out of 16,205, as essential,” which is about 6.6% of the agency’s workforce, in the event of a government shutdown, which occurred on Tuesday.

The guidance also reportedly said that “most workers at the Office of Air and Radiation, which is in charge of writing and implementing most of the EPA’s major air pollution rules,” would be furloughed, which will tighten the various deadlines facing the agency.



5 Responses

  1. They should permanently fire those 93% non-essentials and save 93% of the payroll so taxes can be lowered.

    Government should only do essential work.

  2. Why focus on the EPA??

    It’s long been known that MOST of the government employees ARE superfluous…

    Now that it’s crunch time, they’re finally surfacing and admitting to it.

    You’re all gonna see how well the USA is functional with the “skeleton” crew employees…just wait.

  3. Misleading headline.

    Should read “Over 93 Percent of Government Employees *AT EPA* Considered Non Essential”

    The percentage of ALL Government employees considered non-essntial is considerably lower.

    For example, I could write a headline which says: “Neary 100 Percent of Government Employees Considered Essential and are Still Hard at Work”, if I was talking about the Department of Defense.

  4. The inference is purely a lack of intellect. These are technical categories. For example theoretically, a police officer is essential because he performs the actual duties required to keep the peace, a 911 operator is non-essential. Does this mean “get rid of all those operators”? Some of those non-essentials process our tax refunds, so, want to get rid of them?

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