El Al to Offer Internet Connectivity on European Flights

elalEl Al has purchased six 737-900 ER planes for its European routes. The new planes will permit passengers heading to and from Israel and European destinations to surf the internet, use Skype and WhatsApp.

El Al officials add the planes will have an improved climate control system, ergonomic seats and larger storage bins to name some of the improvements. The airline believes the internet option will be viewed as one of the strongest selling point for passengers. The internet will begin operating once a flight reaches an altitude of 10,000 feet, not too long after takeoff.

The internet connectivity will not be included in one’s ticket price, but offered for a yet undetermined surcharge.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. This is a nisoyon as some Jews may go to inappropriate sites with unfiltered internet in the privacy of their seat.

  2. I can see this leading to more charedi issues as in addition to not wanting to sit next to women, now sitting next to someone with internet will become problematic. Can petition for el al mehadrin seating be far behind?

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