Yomim Noraim Reminders: Statement From Agudath Israel

Unfortunately, the uptick in COVID-19 cases in our communities, noted in Agudath Israel of America’s recent statement regarding simchos, continues its upward trajectory. While there have been hospitalizations, boruch Hashem most of the recent cases have not been as serious as those in March and April. Theories to explain this phenomenon abound, and much remains unclear. Some medical experts see the slow rise in cases now in our community as echoing what we experienced in early March, chas v’sholom, and are concerned that we may be at the cusp of an exponential rise. Others see the past month, in isolation, as less alarming.

The truth is, we do not know where this is headed.

And that is exactly why we must remain vigilant.

So, this Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, please remember to daven fervently for tichleh shona v’kililosaho. We must all resolve to improve our limud and support of Torah, kavod hatefila, and kedusha, as the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah has instructed. And, with the guidance of your rabbonim, please also take the precautions you’ve heard about so many times in the past 6 months – for yourself, and for the people next to you who may have health conditions that put them at greater risk.

Medical experts and health officials are recommending that, as much as possible, people mask and social distance, especially given the uptick. They further advise that for indoor gatherings, ventilation should be enhanced by opening windows and/or increasing the fresh air input settings of HVAC systems. This is especially so in the context of the Yomim Noraim, when we spend additional time together in shul.

Of course, the elderly and those at high risk should be especially careful. Individuals who have had exposure to a COVID case or attended a high-risk event should seek medical advice before attending shul. And if you feel at all ill with COVID symptoms, please stay home; do not risk endangering your fellow man.

May our renewed focus on bein adam lamakom and bein adam lachaveiro merit a k’siva va’chasima tova for all of us.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. May we all have a good, new year. May our nation (Yisrael) survive another year and prosper greatly. May Hashem bless us with more Bnei Yehudim this year.

  2. It might be a good suggestion as well to stop having the Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos and Admorim photographed in our various publications at all types of social gatherings without any concern whatsoever for the problem at hand.
    What is the value of this statement if the same Rabbonim in public practice don’t adhere to it, and set such an awful example for both the issues of nezek and the chillul Hashem these actions creates

  3. New York state’s COVID-19 infection rate dropped back below 1 percent on Wednesday, after rising above 1 percent for the first time in more than a month on Tuesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.

    Speaking from a moving boat off the coast of Long Island on Wednesday morning, Cuomo said the state’s infection rate dropped from the 1.04 percent he reported on Tuesday to 0.87 percent.

  4. I think it would help if the Aguada and other organizations would help organize or at least encourage shuls to organize outdoor socially distant minyanim for older member of the kehilla.

  5. There is No Mystery. All Virus has a curve, as more people got it more people have antibodies, we have many treatments now including Remdesivir, HCQ, Steroids, the virus gets weaker. We no longer rush people onTo Unmonitored Bacteria-laden High Pressure Ventilators which so many died on in April, May. People understand if we Get it, we need to endure for a couple days like all Flus, Viruses, Etc.

    But most Are just “ TEST POSITIVE” “ CASES” Most are Not sick, in fact only .01 are, yet Vicious Karen’s and a group of certain Doctors and Rabbis have become Fear Mongerers and keeping The Extreme Masking and Quarantines going, feeding into the Leftist Democrat BLM Antifa Agenda to destroy our Economy, Violate our Constitutional Freedoms and Human Rights to win an election. Never has the Health Bureaucracy, CDC, NIH, WHO, been so Bribed and corrupted by Royalties and Consulting fees from Gilead Pharma, Moderna, Pfizer, GlaxoSK, to keep us locked down and Obedient, to make Billions$$ on New drugs and vaccines.

    CDC was forced to admit that the PCR test is too sensitive picking up old virus in our noses and gives up to 90% FALSE POSITIVES- there is your “Unsymptomatic” people, and “Uptick” in cases, just test positives that they use to close our schools and abuse our rights. We Jews can’t forget why we are in the USA- because of its LIBERTIES and FREEDOMS, …Yearning to BREATHE FREE!”

    You see that We must be VIGILANT to RETURN TO NORMAL as things improve, NOT TO LET THE LEFT MAKE THEM PERMANENT!

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