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Obama Calls For Quick End To Government Shutdown

obaPresident Barack Obama is telling federal workers he hopes Washington quickly resolves the government shutdown that has forced many out the door.

In a letter emailed to federal employees, Obama says the shutdown was “completely preventable.” And he calls on the House of Representatives to pass a law reopening the government and giving workers back pay.

The president also laments that government employees have become “punching bags” in Washington’s partisan fiscal fights. About 800,000 federal workers are being forced off the job because Congress did not pass a bill to keep the government funded ahead of Monday’s midnight deadline for the end of the 2013 fiscal year.

Obama says that if the shutdown continues, it will make it more difficult to recruit talented people for government jobs.


7 Responses

  1. The House passed an appropriation, but at the President’s urging, the Senate rejected it. The Republicans agreed to a compromise of letting Obamacare go forth but with any government mandates on people to buy insurance they don’t want. The President already agreed to postpone the part of requiring businesses to buy insurance (which has resulted in increased unemployment and underemployment).

    Obama turned down a very reasonable compromise.

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