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Bennett: If the Chareidim Don’t Serve or Work, the Nation Will Collapse

charBayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett warns that if the chareidim in Israel do not serve in the IDF and/or join the workforce, the nation will collapse.

During the session of the Shaked Committee on Monday, 26 Tishrei 5774, the committee finalizing the chareidi draft law, MK R’ Moshe Gafne stated the chareidim object to the proposed draft of chareidim at the age of 21. On Tuesday morning, 27 Tishrei, Bennett stated the original plan by Yesh Atid leader Finance Minister Yair Lapid was a bad one. He explained at present, “we have reached compromise between his original plan which was not a good one and where we are holding today, which represents a 90% shift in our direction.”

Bennett added that “today, 30% of the nation’s first graders are chareidim and that is fine. However, down the line, if they do not work or serve, the nation will collapse. Bringing chareidim into the workplace is far more important than their IDF service. The IDF can manage just fine but this is not true of the nation’s economy.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. “Bringing chareidim into the workplace is far more important”

    So stop making it illegal for Chareidim to work unless they served in the idf. That’s why Chareidim can’t work. Because your state makes it illegal.

  2. ujm said it all

    one thing to add though is maybe as an incentive for service is paying college tuition

    so chilonim/daatim still gain by joining the army

  3. If the hilonim don’t learn Torah and do Mitsvos the nation will collapse (Taanach uses much more colorful language, but let’s not be insulting).

    If the IDF needed hareidim, they would make the army friendly for frum Jews (as in not kicking religious zionists out of officer for training for refusing to be in the presence of naked women absent a military necessity to do so). And then there are the creative interpretations of halacha the zionists are famous for.

    And if they wanted hareidim in establishment jobs, they could change their laws (stop expecting people to serve in the IDF before getting a job, adopt American-style law on accomodation of religious minorities, etc.).

    Or they could accept that Israel should be a Jewish state, based on Torah, and that the secular ruling class should resign themselves to being a tolerated minority (really, it won’t kill them to eat kosher and wear clothes).

  4. What a dummy. The nation will collapse if the yeshivos stop learning Torah. Then it really will collapse. How could he not know that yet???

  5. @ ahavas_yisroel

    Really? The nation will collapse if the yeshivos stop learning Torah? And how do you know this? And to call someone a dummy for not agreeing with you makes you sound smart, eh?

  6. yungerman from lakewood you sshould know the gemarah states that what allows the jews to win in battle is shaarei yerushalayim shahoyu oiskim batorah something tells me tht u were a yungerman in lakeood along long time ago and forgot what u learned

  7. Funny, I grew up in Boro Park and everyone worked. So did the Rambam, Eben Ezra, Seforno, Rashba, Rif, Rabbi Monk, Kehati, Rav Zevin. Not sure what religion we are practicing now. In the Gemara, we had agricultural skills, Now Math, Computer and Language skills are needed or else you wont even get a job in Kosher McDonalds
    Dont blame the govt, blame yourselves.

  8. In reality, we can bring down many inyanim from chazal to the effect that limud torah alone will not sustain EY and without a balance of torah vavodah, we risk losing EY. The naresh comments like No. 1 make you wonder what passes for common sense these days.

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