Israel: Last Weeks for Polio Oral Booster Vaccine

polioThe polio oral booster vaccine campaign in Israel for children to the age of nine is still ongoing. Health Ministry officials’ report that over 800,000 children have already been vaccinated.

With 840,000 children already protected, the heads of the country’s HMO Kupat Cholim organizations call on parents to bring children who still need the booster vaccine. The tipat chalav well-baby clinics will be giving the booster vaccine for another two weeks in the hope all of the 1.38 million eligible children will receive the oral booster. Health officials reported earlier in the week that a test of sewage from southern communities including Rahat, Tel Sheva, Arrarah and Beersheva still test positive for the presence of polio. The amount is reduced however as 70% of southern district children have received the booster.

In Jerusalem however, the latest sewage tests no longer contain traces of polio but officials add another test is required before they can reach a definitive conclusion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Vaccine horror stories are everywhere these days: Stories of young girls fainting in the doctor offices after receiving the HPV vaccines. Stories of mothers taking a healthy child for a round of shots to their pediatrician returning home with a severely sick or dead child. Stories of children receiving the chicken pox vaccine and experiencing severe cases of chicken pox months later. A 1:50 rate of autism in the United States, increasing autoimmune disorders, seizures, allergies and many other illnesses and disorders. Despite all this, your pediatrician, health officials, governments and pharmaceutical companies proclaim that vaccines are very safe. Did you ever wonder how they derive at such faulty conclusions?
    Research properly before you drug up your loved ones.

  2. kavod Habriot-
    you are right…everyone should do their research. and also, remeber, there are risks with everything. you have the weigh the risks of the vaccine vs. the risks of having wild polio carriers around babies and immunocompromised people. anyway…im willing to bet that you have no proof that all of these “increasing autoimmune disorders, seizures, allergies and many other illnesses and disorders” are from vaccines. people need to look at the food they are feeding their loved ones and themselves, as well as the beauty products, baby wipes, hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, etc etc. the ingredients in some of these things are a million times worse than the small amount of bad product in vaccines. and these are products that we exposed to on a daily basis. (sulfate, pthalates, parabens, food coloring, etc etc)
    iyH we all do our hishtadlus and HaShem will protect us.

  3. #1
    Sounds like you are a good candidate for Talban membership. You are willing to accept any fable without checking facts.
    Please isolate your children from mine and those of other responsible parents who wish to protect their kids.

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