De Blasio Hits Lhota For Boyhood Support of Barry Goldwater

joe lhota juniorIn what is seen as a rebuttal to last week’s socialist attack, the de Blasio campaign released its first negative statement against Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota. The “10 facts about the man credited as the father of the modern conservative movement,” is based on a NY Times profile of Mr. Lhota, in which he said he viewed Senator Barry Goldwater as his boyhood hero.

The de Blasio campaign rushed to paint Mr. Lhota as an extremist:

1. Goldwater Explicitly Supported GOP Extremism and Denounced Moderation: “Extremism in the Defense of Liberty is No Vice.” [THNRK, “Father of Conservative ‘Extremism’”, 8/27/2012]

 2. Goldwater Opposed the Brown vs. Board of Education Court Decision, Stating Racial Segregation in Mississippi and South Carolina is “Their Business, Not Mine.” [History News Network, “Barry Goldwater and the Civil Rights Acts: The Antecedent to Rand Paul” 

3. Goldwater Voted Against Civil Rights Act of 1964. [NY Times, “Civil Rights Bill Passed, 73-27; Johnson Urges All To Comply; Dirksen Berates Goldwater,” 6/19/1964]Description:

4. Goldwater Claimed the Civil Rights Act Was Unconstitutional and Would Promote Racial Intolerance, Opening the Door to a “Police-State System of Enforcement” [“Barry Goldwater for President 1964 Campaign Brochure: “Barry Goldwater Speaks Out for a Stronger America”]

5. Goldwater Supported the Use of Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam. [Journal of Strategic Studies, “Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam,” 8/2006

6. Goldwater Explicitly Aimed to Reduce the Size of Government and Repeal Laws. [NY Times, “Barry Goldwater, Conservative and Individualist, Dies at 89,” 5/29/1998]  
7. Goldwater Considered American Labor Leaders More Dangerous than the Soviet Union. [NY Times, “Barry Goldwater, Conservative and Individualist, Dies at 89,” 5/29/1998]

8. Goldwater Refused to Condemn McCarthyism. [NY Times, “Barry Goldwater, Conservative and Individualist, Dies at 89,” 5/29/1998]

9. Goldwater Condemned Non-Violent Protests, Calling Them Nothing More Than a “Fable” and Inherently Violent. [The Bulletin, “‘Non-violent’ protest just a fable,” 8/23/1966]

10. Goldwater Advocated Leaving the United Nations After China’s Entry to the Organization. [St. Petersburg Evening Independent, “Red China  Will Ruin U.N.: Barry,” 1/22/64]

Today’s article cites Goldwater as one of Lhota’s “intellectual forebears” and “boyhood hero” and describes Lhota as a “lifelong conservative” who adheres to the discredited, favor-the-wealthy economic theory of “supply-side economics”. [NY Times, “Lhota Seeks to Persuade a Liberal City to Elect a Disciple of Goldwater”9/30/2013]

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Most of Goldwater’s views were adopted by Ronald Reagan, and enacted in the 1980s, leading to a period of peace (defeat of the uber-progressive Soviet Union) and prosperity. His was always pro-civil rights (but not for the Federal government micromanaging) and had the chutzpah to go into the deep south during the presidential campaign and denounce segregation (at a time when the Democrats were always trying to to avoid insulting the southern Democrats – remember that up to that point, most of the opposition to civil rights had been coming from the Democrats).

    If Lhota’s hero was Barry Goldwater, that’s a good reason to support him.

  2. if lhota was like goldwater i would vote for him in a heart beat unfortunately he is just another RINO.
    has he ever pledged not to raise any taxes?

  3. If looks could kill a candidate’s chances of being elected, Lhota would already have lost – never mind Goldwater, that guy in the picture looks like – well – a Goldwater supporter.

    And speaking of Goldwater supporters, who can name the currently most famous Goldwater supporter? I can: Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater supporter. Gives some of us pause about Lhota.

  4. To NFGO3, Hillary was never a supporter, he parents were and as a kid she helped them campaign. But she never was.

    Also in regard to the DeBlasio’s propaganda trying to portray Goldwater as a racist is wrong. Goldwater was the one who desegregated his families Department Store Chain. In 1946 as commander of the AZ ANG he desegregated it, making it the first ever military branch to be racially mixed. He desegregated the Senate Cafeteria and was one of the architects and pushers of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. And in regard to the 1964 CRA he helped write it and voted for it, it them went to the House and was modified, He tried to get one provision from the House’s modification removed that he felt was an abuse of federal power. When that failed he switched his vote against it in protest and principal. SO he was far from racist (Unlike Al Gore Sr. who led the effort to crush the bill).

    Lhota is the guy for frum yidden and people who care about Yeshivos and Taxes on the middle class.

  5. Dear Toras Moseh. You are claiming that “De Blasio is a communist” what about Joe Lhota who wants to continue Bloomberg way of my way or high way?? Extortion on small business owners and raping us with the water bills and war of religion is not communist? Lhota is Bloomberg we are totally done with this after 12 years. A vote for Joe Lhota is a Vote for Bloomberg de Blasio is ain’t a communist ask the ppl who worked with him all this years a unbelievable great man!

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