Boehner: It’s an Emergency, Where’s the Senate?

John BoehnerHouse Speaker John Boehner says the nation is facing a budget emergency and the Senate, like the House, should be in session to help avert a government shutdown.

The Ohio Republican on Monday castigated the Democratic-led chamber for taking Sunday off amid a partisan standoff over funding the government and the future of Obamacare. Republicans want President Barack Obama’s signature law limited or delayed as part of any budget deal. Democrats, meanwhile, want a budget passed without any changes to the health care program. The Senate on Monday is expected to reject the House-passed measure containing the latest attack on “Obamacare” and send the measure back to the House.

If no agreement is reached, the government would begin shutting down at midnight.


3 Responses

  1. What makes him think the Senate has to dance his dance when he decides?

    He sent a bill to the senate a week before it’s due, well knowing that there is a lot to be worked on. The senate rejected it, so he passed another one, well knowing the Senate will reject this, and if not it would be vetoed by the president.

    So he calls this “Acting”, maybe in a play, not in real life.

  2. I thing the first thing to shut down in a government shut down should be, the congress, and fire them forever and call new elections.

    Maybe this will discipline the children there.

  3. and why not the senate also and better yet get rid of the head. I fish stinks from its head; obama, pelosi, holder, reid and take joe along with the other stink-en fish

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