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De Blasio Wants To Use Sandy Relief Funds To Advance Liberal Agenda


Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio told voters in the Rockaways, Sunday, that he would seek to use the Sandy recovery relief dollars heading to New York City’s beach-coast to achieve his liberal goals at the heart of his mayoral campaign: creating living-wage jobs, affordable housing and community health care sites in areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

“I’m not a lawyer. I don’t know all the laws, rules and regulations effecting this funding,” Mr. de Blasio said, in response to a question raised whether he’ll direct Sandy relief money to create living-wage jobs and jobs training. “We are going to respect the law by definition. But within the power we do have, I think it’s substantial. I think the city of New York is in a strong position to make sure this money is used to the best way possible for our communities. I want to see the money used for living-wage jobs, for people who were effected by this crisis. It’s as simple as that. We need to make sure that the folks who benefit, that’s not just a matter of benefiting from the end product of what this money may achieve. It’s that in the process, the jobs go to the people effected to the maximum extent possible.”

“People would get on their feet not just physically because their home might be rebuilt, but to get back on their feet economically and beyond the way to something better,” he added.

Speaking to reporters, following the event, Mr. de Blasio further elaborated that his proposal is to use the federal relief funds, within the laws and limits, as a piggybank to favor those effected by the storm with advanced opportunities.

“I want to make sure – to the maximum extent the law allows – the City has the flexibility. That we are getting people decent paying jobs as part of this recovery effort,” he told NYTimes’ Michael Barbaro.

Mr. de Blasio’s 90-minute tour in Far Rockaway in Queens, was his first visit to the effected neighborhoods in 2013. Approached by The Wave’s editor, Kevin Boyle, Mr. de Blasio promised to be back to the neighborhood in the future, despite skipping in the past 10 months.

“We’re glad Mr. de Blasio found his way out to the Rockaways today, but his visit in the height of campaign season is insulting to the residents who have suffered during his failed time in office. Where was Bill when people truly needed an advocate in government? Once again, Bill de Blasio’s rhetoric does not match his record. The people of the Rockaways won’t be fooled by his blatant political maneuvering in pursuit of a promotion,” Jessica Proud, Mr. Lhota’s campaign spokeswoman said in a statement.

Speaking to reporters, at a Colombus Day Parade in Howard Beach, Mr. Lhota said he himself toured the Rockaways about a dozen times before the Sept. 10 primary election, with little press attention. He was chairman of the MTA when Sandy hit and is credited with helping to get the public transit system quickly up and running.

“I spent an enormous amount of time there,” he said, according to Newsday. “I was there the day after the storm hit, working with the communities to make sure they get up and running. I think the city response was not as active as it should be.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. It is unfortunate that there were no Satmar Chassidim in the area destroyed by Sandy.Perhaps their love affair with Di Blasi would sour somewhat. I gues they also are not concerned with taxing the rich( which will surely dry up charitable contributions) and stop and frisk which makes their neighborhood safer.

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