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Gur: Rebbe Plays a Pivotal Role in Fundraising

gurAs part of the Gerrer Chassidus’ motzei Simchas Torah 5774 appeal, it was announced that 200 chassidim willing to part with a minimum of $50,000 will merit spending a Shabbos in a hotel in Greece with the Rebbe Shlita. A Shabbos of “spiritual uplifting and chizuk” is promised to those who can afford such an event.

While fundraising is an annual event in the chassidus, like many other chassidic courts and litvish communities, mosdos are heading for extremely difficult if not dire times as a result of the government cuts to these institutions. Government cuts to mosdos Torah not only impact the chareidi community, but the dati leumi and hesder affiliated mosdos too.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. In Greece??? Why? Is the chulent there better than in Eretz Yisrael or in the US. Shouldn’t the event be held in a place that is convenient to most of the donors?

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