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NY Post Editorial Chides Bloomberg For Making Metiztzah B’peh An Election Issue

metzitzah bpehFinding the mayoral candidates chewing on the issue of Metzitzah B’peh, a hot delicate issue for candidates seeking the Orthodox Jewish vote, the NY Post has recognized it has given way, too much and for too long, to other issues that are at great concern to voters in the city.

In an editorial, published Monday morning, the NY Post calls the mayor’s attempt to regulate the practice of Metiztzah B’peh, leaving it upon the Orthodox community to set it as an issue in the mayoral election, a distraction of the burning issues. Instead of addressing the big decisions for the next administration – such as union contracts, education reform and balancing the budget – the two main candidates for mayor are talking about: Jewish circumcision.

“Thank Mike Bloomberg’s aggressive nannyism for this absurdity. His Department of Health is going after a particular circumcision practice favored by some Orthodox groups. The practice involves the mohel using his mouth to remove blood from the infant’s circumcision wound. The Health Department says it can cause herpes, and it wants to impose consent forms.
We don’t deny there are health risks to children in this city. In 2012, 10 children were killed while riding bicyles. Are we going to demand consent forms for that, too?

“The basic answer is that parents make these decisions, not an unelected and unaccountable city bureaucracy. That’s especially true when the bureaucracy is treading on something as sensitive as a religious practice that has gone on for centuries. The candidates seem to understand that, with Bill de Blasio and Joe Lhota each having promised to revisit the Health Department’s meddling if he becomes mayor.

“This is a crucial election for New York, with many vital issues at stake. It’s tough enough to know what to do about schools, taxes, spending and crime without having our candidates have to weigh in on a Jewish ritual that never should have become a government issue in the first place.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. Why? The fact is, that MBP was originated by Chazal as a health issue. So it does belong to the Dept of Health.

    We never do MBP on adults or older boys who became Balei Tshuvah, because its only a health remedy.

  2. The Post basically denounces Bloomberg for creating a “nanny state” by regulating the religious practices of metzitza b’peh. The paper also says many activities — riding a bike, driving a car, getting surgery — all entail some degree of risk. It asks rhetorically will Bloomberg next require consent forms for children riding a bike?

    B”H the next Mayor de Blasio has committed to reevaluate Bloomy’s new Bris regulation towards the goal of eliminating it.

  3. Bloomberg also ridiculed “10,000 Jews with hats.” And he has stated privately that religion is the cause of wars, said to a smicha student. He hates Judaism because of his nonobservant status. Just likes he’s got Napoleon Syndrome, likely because he’s short.

  4. Toras Moshe, De Blasio committed himself only to “reevaluate” and that gets a B”H??! Let him ‘reevaluate’ now and make the promise to eliminate it. Anything less is just lies and political-speak

  5. geshicked: Obviously he can’t make an outright public commitment to simply repeal it without a hearing. “Reevaluate” means a hearing leading towards “possible” repealing, which is the obvious goal.

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