Joe Biden’s Stolen Speech

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday night seems to have hit a homerun among voters.  But to people in Canada that were listening – there was something vaguely familiar, according to reports.

Biden ended his speech with the words, “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. Light is more powerful than dark.”

Jack Layton was the leader of Canada’s left-wing New Democratic Party and died exactly nine years ago – to the day.

As he lay dying in 2011, he wrote the following words to his followers and friends:

“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”

There seems to be a prevalent notion out there that plagiarism and cheating isn’t really wrong. It is wrong, and if a person is brazen enough to do it during a speech in which the whole country is listening – well, it does not bode well.  It is also halacha, by the way.  Melania Trump’s speech was also not original at the RNC.  It took much of the content from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech.


Let’s start with Shlomo HaMelech: In Mishlei 22:22 he writes: “Rob not from a poor person – for he is poor.” Chazal tell us (Yalkut Shimoni Mishlei 560; Midrash Tanchuma BaMidbar 27) that Shlomo HaMelech is referring to plagiarism – to reciting a statement without attributing it to its source.

Just as a poor person has no protector – no guardian to right wrongs and injustices, the same is true with intellectual property. An earlier thinker came up with an idea. Just as the poor person has no protector, so too does the thinker have no protector. Shlomo HaMelech is appealing to our conscience – do not steal from a poor person – for he is poor – he has no protector. Do not cheat or plagiarize for they too have no protector.


We move forward down the timeline to Queen Esther (Megilas Esther 2:22). Two guards – Bigson and Seresh had plotted a coup d’etat. Mordechai, proficient in seventy languages, overheard and told the Queen. Queen Esther didn’t take credit for the information. She told the King that she got the information from Mordechai.

Esther was amply rewarded. It is for this action that she merited to be the conduit of the salvation of the Jewish people. Because of Esther it is said, “Whoever says something in the name of its originator – brings salvation to the world.”


What was really going on here? Esther certainly was a righteous woman. Can’t we assume that if she thought it better for the king to have assumed that the information came from her, then surely she would have been fully justified?

It would seem not.

It would seem that even though, it may have been in the Jewish interest that Esther gain the king’s favor, there is something inherently wrong in not attributing the information to the true source. She knew this. Esther could not stoop to do something that is inherently wrong. It was for this realization – that we are but mere foot soldiers in a campaign and our primary responsibility is to follow Hashem’s bidding in what is right and wrong – she was so amply rewarded.


We now move on to Pirkei Avos 6:5. Naming the original source of the information. Avoiding plagiarism. It is in a list of one of the 48 ways in which Torah is acquired.

The Yalkut Yoseph (Kivud Av V’Aim chapter 9) cites a few more sources. The Shla in Meseches Shvuos says that it is an enormous sin – and should be looked at as if one has kidnapped human life.

He further cites the Sefer Chasidim (224): Whoever says something in the name of a deceased Tzaddik earns his favor and is prayed for by that Tzaddik.

Conversely, the Chida writes (Bris Olam) that if one writes a book from Torah that was stolen from others – they curse him, and he dies halfway through life.


This incident was not the first time that candidate Joe Biden has plagiarized. In September of 1987, newspaper stories reported that he had plagiarized a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock and had not attributed it.  A few months earlier, on March 15th  1987,  given to a Welsh Labour Party Conference, Kinnock had said the following words:

“Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? [Kinnock pointed to his wife, sitting in the audience:] Why is Glenys the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?”

According to an article in the New York Times on September 12th, 1987, written by Maureen Down, Biden’s speech given earlier that week, essentially plagiarized Kinnock’s speech.  Biden also made reference to himself and his wife Jill in the same manner as Kinnock did and included the lines:

“I started thinking as I was coming over here, why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? [Pointing to his wife sitting in the audience:] Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I’m the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest?”

In 1987, Biden also duplicated other parts of Kinnock’s speech. According to Wikipedia it included their forebears’ ability to read and write poetry, their strength in working for hours underground in a mine only to come up and play football afterward, and their being limited by lack of a “platform” upon which to stand.

Here, however, Joe Biden also made up different facts and attributed it to his own family so that he could say these words.

Recently, it was revealed by Joe Biden’s wife’s first husband that Mr. Biden and his wife were carrying on together while he, a former volunteer on Biden’s campaign, was still married to his wife Jill.

As my friend Rabbi Avi Shafran has said in a recent article:

“Shameless dissembling and personal indecency acted out in public before the entire country are, in the end, no less morally corrosive than the embrace of abortion-on-demand..”

No candidate is perfect.  However, in this particular candidate, unfortunately, we have all three elements.


Please assist if you can, but not with funds obtained by returning items inappropriately.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

13 Responses

  1. Sorry, but this is a disgraceful article. You want to say we should support Trump because he and the GOP are much better for Israel, fine. I’ll have no arguments with you on that point. But the basis of your article’s bashing of Biden is truly embarrassing. Firstly, there is no plagiarism here. You are using his earlier instance of real plagiarism to try to create one now that does not exist. There are about 10 differences between his similes and those of the Canadian pol, and the general notion of hope and light being stronger than fear and lies has been quoted by just about every politician since Methuselah’s time. Then you throw in a totally unsubstantiated charge by the former husband of his current wife to try and smear him as a wife stealer. Where in Pirkei Avos and Sefer Chassidim does it say that libeling someone based on such “evidence” is justifiable conduct, and from a frum rabbi at that? Finally, it would be one thing if you wanted us to rule out Biden for being a plagiarist and cheating with someone else’s wife before she got a divorce, when his opponent was Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, decent, family oriented human beings. But you want us to disqualify Biden for this, and then turn around and vote for a man who has been accused of abuse and worse by about a dozen women, paid off a bunch of women to keep them from going public, admitted on tape that he practically assaults women at will, and lies so often and so blatantly that he is almost incapable of uttering a fully truthful sentence that is longer than one word long?

  2. Political speeches are usually written by professional speech writers. You can’t blame Biden if there are similar phases from other writer’s speeches. BTW, if you are looking for a liar, look no further than the current occupant of the White House.

  3. President Trump did not say he was perfect, but he is better by far than the opposition, who completely disregard the Laws from Heaven, in their lives, and in their legislative actions.

    Those verbally lashing (Lashon Hara) President Trump, with no proof except unsubstantiated hearsay, are really degrading themselves.

  4. WOW!!! We have comments from 2 self hating Jews on one article. I hope both of you enjoy the peace that democRAT leadership, or lack thereof brings you. Leo613 and JacobLev who wrote these comments should get their facts correct before spouting off about things they know not.

  5. every one knows that Joe doesn’t write his own speeches, for that he has a speech writer or two or three.

    The fact that he did not know it was plagiarized, is not really his fault. Every one knows that he is suffering from the onset of dementia. We should praise Joe that even though he has to battle against growing dementia, he does not give up and retire. What a great model for all of us…..

  6. That you criticize Biden for some borrowing of terms from a foreign politician who was no friend to us, but are silent on the tens of thousands of lies of Donald Trump, the brazen licentiousness of Donald Trump, the massive cheating in business of Donald Trump, the use of the power of Donald Trump’s office to enrich himself, and the attempts by Donald Trump to cheat in his re-election campaign is absolutely shameful. It makes orthodox Jews look like hypocrites.

  7. Embarrassing. Saying hope triumph over evil is not plagiarism. The sentences are not the same, having a similar theme in a speech is not the same. Biden also said G-d bless America. G-d bless the troops. The speech was so good Rush Limbaugh said it was pretaped, there were reporters in the room. Donald Trump appears to read stephen Miller’s speeches for the first time when he is reading his telepromter as he grips his lectern. This week Trump and his minions accuse The Democrats of taking out G-d out of the pledge of the allegiange, patently untrue, crickets from the Jewish website. It is disgusting. Trump does not like Jews it is all about the Evangelicals. It is disgusting what is allowed to be posted on this website. Biden gives a speech and is not drooling, slurring his words like so many of you like to propagate.

  8. WH chief of staff Mark Meadows today on Trump:

    “The president is not only well-prepared, but reads so much that it causes me to have to read many times well into the night to catch up with him.”

  9. charliehall, we are tired of you spreading Democrat lies on this forum. No matter how may times your repeat your lies it will never not make true. We all know that for you Marxist Democrats the truth is: Brett Kavanaugh is serial abuser of omen, Joe Biden did not rape Tara Reade , the Steele dossier is 100% true, Trump clouded with Russians to steal 2016 elections, Hillary kept cookies recopies on her unsecured home server, Jeffry Epstein hanged himself, Loretta Lynch secretly met with Bill Clinton to talk about golf game and grandchildren, Jussie Smollett was assaulted by MAGA wearing racists, Bubba Wallace had a noose placed in his garage, MAGA high school kids assaulted Indian veteran in Washington DC, Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee Indian, did i miss anything?

  10. A quote from Trump’s sister: “All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Ms. Barry told Ms. Trump, according to the paper. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”

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