Another IDF Soldier Targeted by Chareidim on a Jerusalem Bus

egednnAccording to eyewitnesses on board a Jerusalem bus, the chareidim shouted “you are polluting our air” at a Nachal Chareidi soldier on the bus. The chareidi boys called him “Chardak” and shouted insults at him.

Kikar Shabbat reports the soldier was later quoted saying “This really angers me, that we endanger our lives and this is what we get when we travel home for Shabbos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Sounds like a freedom of speech issue. If protesters on a bus in California insulted a soldier they’d be fully protected constitutional speech.

    Why does anyone wonder that chareidim would protest someone joining an institution that is antagonistic towards chareidim and aims to make chareidim into chilonim?

  2. Wearing the wrong team’s uniform does tend to get you in trouble. Consider someone wearing a Yankee cap in Brooklyn in the 1950s? How about a Yankee cap in Baltimore today (one was critically injured this summer – two fanatic fans are awaiting trial for attempted murder)?

    Now imagine if the Yankees weren’t merely a rival team, but were actively trying to destroy your community? Imagine if the Yankees’ “plan” was to roundup the rival team’s players and put them in prison, and to bankrupt the rest.

  3. As some have said before, its time for the men and women of the IDF to “fight back” against these physical and verbal attacks by these chareidi animals. They should be authorized to use as much force as necessary to respond to any assault and impose real pain on those who dare go after the true giborei yisroel who protect those charedim and their families against the terrorists.

  4. Do these men dressed as Chareidim really fear G-d?
    When a group is defined by the clothes they wear they will get fraudsters. (p’seek reisha or “with certainty’)

  5. I hope this story is false. If not our Rabbonim must condemn this is action in the strongest of terms. The people perpetrating this are real “sonai Yisrael”.
    One may not agree with the governments action re: yeshivas and kollelim but to act in such a vile way? There is absolutely no excuse for such behavior.

  6. Why does anyone wonder that chareidim would protest someone joining an institution that is antagonistic towards chareidim and aims to make chareidim into chilonim? –


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