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Erev Shabbos Arab Violence in E. Yerushalayim and Yosh


It has been a difficult erev Shabbos Bereshis 5774 for police in the eastern capital and areas of Yehuda and Shomron as Arab violence is on the rise. Police stationed near Shar Shechem were confronted by Arabs hurling rocks and other objects. At least three arrests were made at that location.

In the Issawiya area police were attacked with rocks and other items as they were compelled to use riot control adjuncts to restore order. A total of 12 arrests were reported during the afternoon hours. Rock-throwing was reported in the area of Naalin, Bilin, Nvei Samuel, and Kedem. Jews in the S. Hebron Hills area reported that Arab set a field ablaze in the Bnei Naim area.

North of Hebron an IDF soldier was struck in his face with a rock in Arab violence near Beit Omar. Elsewhere in the Gush Etzion area two Arabs were apprehended by soldiers B”H, as they were about to hurl firebombs.

In Shomron an Israeli motorist was injured in a rock-throwing attack in the Ramallah district. The targeted vehicle was damaged. There was no report regarding the extent of the victim’s injuries from the IDF Spokesman.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Posted Isru Chas Simchas Torah, Eretz Yisrael)

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