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Second Hakofos in Solidarity with Boaz Albert

Albert, boazSecond hakofos are being held in Yerushalayim on Motzei Simchas Torah outside the entrance to the Russian Compound Detention Center in a showing of support for Yitzhar resident Boaz Albert. Albert was rearrested following a standoff with police that lasted hours before yomtov. 3 The police commando force arrived in the Shomron community to take him into custody for violating a restraining order that prohibits him from being at home. As a result he spent yomtov in detention.

A number of buses are planning to bring participants from the Shomron. The event is supposed to begin at 21:30. Albert was remanded on erev yomtov, Wednesday, and his detention was extended for 48 hours.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Posted Motzei Simchas Torah in Eretz Yisrael)

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