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Abbas Condemns the Terrorist Murders of IDF Soldiers

abaslPA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) came under harsh criticism by Israeli elected officials for not condemning the murders of two IDF soldiers this week in terror attacks. Abu Mazen has finally released the condemnatory message.

Meeting with Jewish leaders in New York, the PA leader spoke out against the terrorism which left two soldiers dead, but was quick to add that he expects the same should an Arab fall prey to terrorism.

“We will not cut the talks with Israel. I sharply condemn such acts against civilians and all others” he is quoted as saying.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. How do you give back land to people who cannot control their subjects. Peace for land sounds good but this article tells you that peace is a fantasy with uncontrollable people.

  2. A certain wealthy and influential American Jew is a “friend” of his, and took him to a Jewish-themed Broadway play last week. Wined and dined him. Maybe those Jewish nggunim made him feel a bit kindly? Actually I doubt this is anything more than superficial. Remember his early history, and what he says when he is speaking in Arabic.

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