Fatal Terror Attack Does Not Keep Visitors from Hebron

cDespite this week’s murderous terrorist attack near the Machpelah which claimed the life of Givati soldier Sgt. Gal Gavriel Kobi HY”D, 30,000 visitors were on hand in Hebron on Monday, 19 Tishrei 5774.

After the attack there were fears the main Chol Hamoed Sukkos event would be impacted as visitors would be afraid to make the trip. Baruch Hashem these assessments were incorrect and a large crowd was on hand to enjoy the Yomtov in the holy city.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Correction: 30,000 people that don’t take life seriously enough (and think they’re above tragedy striking them)attending an event to hear people sing.

    Imagine if, G-d Forbid, the snipers would have targeted one of the attendees what everybody would say and what public attitude would have been about having attended the event.

    I’m sure if people would have ask a Gadol whether to attend or not he would have said, “ושמרתם את נפשותיכם”.

    Keep in mind that this was not just an attack, this was a “sniper” attack! That means the IDF soldier was hit from afar, not close up in the open.

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