Why So Many Bein HaZemanin Tragedies? HaRav Edelstein: “Ein Torah”

Hagaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein

Hagaon Rosh Yeshivah Harav Gershon Edelstein spoke about the many tragedies that have occurred recently in Israel during Bein Hazemanin.

“It’s known that during Bein Hazemanim of Chodesh Av there are always tragedies, rachmana latzlan. It’s because there’s no Torah and when there’s no zechus Torah, there’s nothing to protect us.”

“There’s no heter on bittul Torah,” said Harav Edelstein. “Only someone who requires menuchah – someone who puts forth effort needs to rest but not more than what’s necessary.”

“Someone who requires rest should be aware that there’s a chiyuv of learning Torah but now I have to rest because otherwise, I won’t be able to continue learning.”

A partial list of recent tragedies: A man was killed in a fire in Mea Shearim on Monday morning, a 17-year old yeshivah bochur in Jerusalem was killed in a car accident while riding his bike on Motzei Shabbos, and a 24-year-old avreich from Jerusalem drowned in the Kinneret last week. There have also been numerous other drownings throughout Israel in recent days.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Perhaps the Yeshivas should stagger “vacations” or “rest times” so that there are Talmidei Chachamim learning all the time (except when it is assur) . This would make the popular vacation areas less busy, Lower prices , Allow for real rest and not a frenzy to fight with the crowds for the best vacation venues.

  2. It should come as no surprise that engaging in risky behavior can result in injury or death, R”L. Driving a car, riding a bicycle, swimming at an unprotected beach: all such activities involve risk.

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