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CD48 – David Storobin Touts Overwhelming Fundraising Strength


Republican New York City Council candidate David Storobin has raised $20,210.00 according to the last report. His successful fundraising total stands in sharp contrast with his Democratic opponent Chaim Deutsch who managed a mere $500.00. Last year, Storobin raised over half a million dollars for his Senate runs plus hundreds of thousands spent to support his candidacy by the State and Senate Republicans.

“I am grateful and humbled by the remarkable support from all the communities in the district. It’s very encouraging to see that our cause continues to gain momentum,” said David Storobin.

Storobin, who is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines and has been endorsed by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He is seen observers as a heavy favorite in the CD48 race due to the strong support he’s received from the Jewish, Russian and Catholic communities. As a State Senator, he made a name for himself as a sponsor of the bill to repeal same-gender marriage and to allow for government funding of school vouchers, as well as for his support of special education funding. These bills explain a lot of the support for his candidacy in the frum community.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. The only,and I stress only reason that mr. Storobin has any name whatsoever is that he ran against Lew fidler and the same sex issue was at the forefront. Given the choice at that time, the rabbis had no other option. This is a new ball game and given the choice between mr. Deutsch and storobin, you would have to be blind not to see that Chaim Deutsch is clearly the only option for the community- certainly the frum community.

  2. What “support for his candidacy in the frum community”??? I don’t know anyone who would support the not frum guy over the frum one.

  3. It is safe to assume this web site will be giving Chaim Deutsch equal time?

    Moderators Note: YWN publishes every single press release and news item sent from the Deutsch campaign. That was a grand total of 3 items in the primary. As many as we receive, we will publish.

  4. I beg to differ with the opening paragraph stating that Chaim D only managed to raise $500.00. That’s sooo far from fact.

    Nice try Mr. Strawbones….remember, it’s the one with the integrity who wins, NOT the one with the overstuffed coffers.

    BTW, where did YOUR money come from?? No discussion on that, huh??? Was it “really” all kosher? Leaves one wondering…

    Chaim, the community is rooting for you.

    Chazak V’ematz! You’re wining this one…

  5. It would be great to have a frum candidate who is familiar with our community’s issues but if he is beholden to the DemoRat leaders than he is as worthless as any DemoRat.

    Storobin has common sense. As a Republican he is not forced to support all the toeyvah and liberal agenda that the DemoRats want and support. He already has a track record. As a Member of the NY Legislator he accomplished more for our community during his short tenure than many others who claim that they will support the “Jewish Community”.

    Do your own research before you vote.

  6. What this empty suit has accomplished? proposed legislations that will be never voted on? and he knew it! Stated that he knows all bagel stores in Boro Park? Said that he is a frum while partying in a Russian restaurant Friday night?

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