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Deri: The Tzibur Must be Mispallel for Maran Rav Ovadia Shlita

ovadia3Shas leader Aryeh Deri is calling upon the tzibur to increase tefilos for Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. Deri explains that while the gadol hador’s condition remains stable, the tzibur must continue being mispallel that his kidney function should continue.

In an audio interview with Kikar Shabbat, Deri explains he consulted with the rav’s physicians, who state the gadol hador is stable but they are concerned with his diminished kidney function. Deri quotes the doctors saying that if the rav’s kidney function improves over the next 24 hours, then we may be optimistic but if chas v’sholom this is not the case, then the options are far less pleasant.

Deri calls on Am Yisrael to increase tefilos and tehillim on behalf of the Torah giant, stating that Am Yisrael is in need of this Gadol Hador and the tzibur must do what it can towards assisting in his recovery.

Deri spoke of the late Lelover Rebbe Shlita, who spoke of the significance of the tzibur accepting upon itself to refrain from speaking during tefilos. He calls on the general public to undertake this and really make the change. “I am confident if many people take this upon themselves and do it, we will see a complete recovery in Maran in the coming day” he added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is so sad coming only a few days after the petirah of Rav Yosef’s brother, Rav Ovadia, Z’TL, on the first day of Yom Tov, as reported here on YWN. The family should only know from simcahs

  2. who spoke of the significance of the tzibur accepting upon itself to refrain from speaking during tefilos.
    Maybe with changing times, even more significantly, the Tzibur taking upon itself the total banishment of all cell phones in all Shuls.

  3. Reply to No. 2

    I assume you mean to banish cellphones in all shuls on Shabbos and yom tov. During the weekdays and chol hamoed, it would not be practical for yidden to leave their cellphones at home since most have to go to work directly after davening and don’t have time to drive home to pick up their cellphones and then go to work. Rather the tzibur should be encouraged to minimize their use of cellphone conversations (and ALL conversations)during the davening. Its hard to daven with kavanah when the guy next to you is arguing with his wife about a new sheitel or telling his broker to sell sell Facebook.

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