Women Of The Wall Resume Monthly Provocation At The Kosel On Rosh Chodesh Tammuz


The hundreds of men and women who came to the Kosel on Tuesday morning for Shacharis of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz left no room for the Women of the Wall to carry out their monthly provocations in the women’s section.

Instead, the 30 members of the controversial organization were forced to carry out their egalitarian service in the upper section of the plaza.

Like every month, the group was barred by the Kosel Heritage Foundation from bringing in a Sefer Torah into the plaza.

Women of the Wall activists claimed that they were verbally harassed by mispallelim at the plaza.

“Despite our repeated requests, we were not permitted entry into the women’s section, and we were left open to attacks in the upper part of the plaza,” said Yochi Rappaport, director of the Women of the Wall.

“We can’t help but suspect that maybe someone had an interest in inflaming the situation, which could have become violent.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Where are the chareidim. They allow all these vermin to step on judaism. From feminists to feigelach. Maybe that’s why Israel has new corona outbreak because chareidim are silent.

  2. “We can’t help but suspect that maybe someone had an interest in inflaming the situation, which could have become violent.”Yes, it was you!

  3. let them do it – the Satmar Rebbe zya said not to go to the Kosel – Professor Lebowits, a”h, who was a great Modern Orthodox thinker, even said it is avodah zarah – let the reform and conservative have their wall, we have Hashem.

  4. Reform is not Judaism. These wallnuts are a bunch of shigzas who are making things up as they go. Monkey see, monkey do.

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