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Yerachmiel Schneider Enters Bnei Brak Race

vote4.jpgYerachmiel Schneider remains confident that he will emerge from the municipal elections a winner, telling opponents that he enjoys the support of many admorim and rabbonim. Schneider was escorted by family members as he made his way to City Hall to submit his list to compete in the city election.

It was not as easy as he thought for when he arrived he realized he left his checkbook at home and it was necessary to leave a check to pay the registration fee. Nevertheless, he ran home and made it back in time.

Kikar Shabbat reports speaking with the candidate, who explained he received threats and warnings that he should take the message and drop out of the race. Nevertheless, he is in the race and does not appear to be dropping out any day in the near future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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