Occupy Wall Street Activists to Celebrate 2nd Anniversary

owssOccupy Wall Street activists are returning to the site of their former Manhattan encampment to mark the second anniversary of the movement against corporate greed and inequality.

Protesters plan to convene in lower Manhattan on Tuesday morning for a day of marches and rallies. On Sept. 17th, 2011, protesters first began camping in Zuccotti Park near the New York Stock Exchange.

It’s unclear how many people will show up. The movement has splintered since New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg evicted the protesters from the plaza in November 2012.

Occupy organizers played a leading role in disaster relief after Sandy hit the region last year.

But without leaders or specific demands, the movement has turned into an amorphous protest against everything wrong with the world.


4 Responses

  1. Yes plenty to celebrate for the OWSers. Its not easy sitting in zuccini park for months on end without a job, a shower or a clue. Surprised barry hasn’t invited them to the white house to celebrate this momentous anniversary. If barry had a son he’d look like an OWSer.

  2. JewYorker, was it really necessary to take a gratuitous swipe at the sitting President and conjure up images of the unrelated Trayvon Martin tragedy?

  3. Reb Boro Pork–I don’t think the swipe was gratuitous. And given the life trajectory trayvon was on he would’ve made a great OWSer.

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