Flashback: Chizuk HaTorah Nuggets in Honor of Shavuos

Shavuos is upon us, kabbolas haTorah is here once again. This Sefiras Ha’Omer has been a different countdown to Shavuos but, despite everything Yidden from around the world are slowly emerging from various stages of lockdown and cautiously returning to life.

At this time of kabbolas haTorah, we remember with profound nostalgia another microcosm of kabbolas haTorah that Klal Yisrael enthusiastically accepted upon themselves just a mere few months ago, with the Dirshu World Siyumim held around the world.

Whether it was the massive, sold-out event in the Prudential Center and NJPAC in Newark, or unprecedented events in London, Manchester and other locales around the world, the chizuk haTorah and remarkable, wall-to-wall achdus and inspiration have remained with is.

In honor of Shavuos, we are providing Chizuk HaTorah nuggets culled from the poignant, inspirational addresses of Dirshu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita. Torah inspiration for the Yom Tov of Zeman Matan Toraseinu.

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