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Milk/Dairy Shortage Possible/Likely on Sukkos

tenuvaDue to the three day Rosh Hashanah this year, it is possible or even likely that there will be a shortage of milk and dairy products on Sukkos. YWN-ISRAEL has checked a number of stores in the area of Shuk Machane Yehuda and while milk was readily available, Eida Chareidis certified milk was not in stock, only other mehadrin certified brands including Tnuva Mehadrin and Badatz Mehadrin (Rabbi Avraham Rubin). Milk with the hechsher of Rabbi Yehuda Leib Landau was available in Geula.

Milk producers including Tnuva have not announced a shortage is to be expected, but this prediction is based on previous years in which Rosh Hashanah fell out running into Shabbos, resulting in a three consecutive days without dairy production.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Production vs demand shouldn’t be that badly affected as those three days of Yom Tov much less milchig is used. This should help balance it out.

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