Shul Dedicated in Beit Shemesh City Hall

daven2.jpgBeit Shemesh Chief Rabbi Shimon Biton, Mayor Rav Moshe Abutbul and many other officials and dignitaries were on hand for the dedication of the shul in the new Beit Shemesh City Hall Building. The building was dedicated in memory of askan Mr. Amram Lock by family members.

Mr. Lock z”l was niftar last year in his 80s. He served as the head of the Beit Shemesh Local Council from 1967-1978 and is credited for much of the development of Beit Shemesh prior to becoming a major city.

Mayor Abutbul is confident the new shul will serve employees and visitors to City Hall alike.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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