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Bill Thompson Refuses To Concede; Wants All Votes To Be Counted


Developing News.. Bill Thompson is refusing to step down, the Daily News reports.

Emerging from a meeting with top party leaders, Mr. Thompson told reporters that he will not concede the Democratic primary for mayor until all the votes are counted. “It continues to become clearer and clearer that there are tens of thousands of votes that are out there. We believe that the votes should be counted,” he said. “The first step in that is the machine canvass on Friday and Saturday. And then we’ll go from there.”

“But that’s the first step. We believe that the votes should be counted. We believe that people should be heard. That’s it,” he added.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. This guy really wants to embarrass himself. He couldn’t even win a majority of the Afro-American vote and he will lose again in a two-way runoff, assuming the recount reduces DeBlasio below the 40 percent threshold. He should take the advice of Sharpton and the other Black political leaders and simply go away.

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