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Progressive Leaders Unite Behind Bill de Blasio As Eventual Democratic Nominee For Mayor

marty de blasioOn the heels of his decisive victory in the Democratic mayoral primary Tuesday night, a group of over 50 progressive leaders and organizations came together Thursday to endorse Bill de Blasio for New York City mayor and his vision of progressive change.

Among the leaders and institutions who participated in the rally to voice their support for Bill are 32BJ SEIU, the Hotel Trades Council (HTC), the Working Families Party (WFP), Congressman Jerry Nadler, and Planned Parenthood of NYC Political Committee. Each participant emphasized to the swelling crowd that Bill de Blasio is the only choice for New Yorkers who want to break from the Bloomberg years.

“Bill de Blasio is the progressive reformer we need as mayor,” said Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU. “He put the concerns of working families front and center in his campaign, and we know he’ll fight hard to ensure New York City remains a place everyone can call home. The members of 32BJ are proud to endorse Bill de Blasio, who’ll truly be a voice for those too often forgotten by City Hall.”

“Bill de Blasio is the true progressive in this race and will be a strong champion of working families as mayor,” said Peter Ward, President of the Hotel Trades Council (HTC). “From supporting expanded workers’ rights to fighting for paid sick days for all New Yorkers, Bill will be a mayor for all New Yorkers, in every borough. The members of the Hotel Trades Council are proud to endorse his candidacy, and we look forward to helping him win as our Democratic nominee.”

“There are two reasons we are supporting Bill de Blasio. He tells the truth, and he’s a fighter for the middle class, working class and poor,” said Dan Cantor, Executive Director of the Working Families Party (WFP). “That’s an awfully good combination, and we’re excited to get behind his campaign.”

“Bill has proven time and again that he has the vision and values to bring true progressive change to our city,” said Congressman Jerry Nadler. “From taxing the wealthy to fund universal pre-K and after-school programs to ending unnecessary subsidies to big corporations and investing in our CUNY system, Bill will be an ally for working families in City Hall. I’m proud to endorse his campaign for mayor, and look forward to working with him in the weeks and months ahead.”

“When Planned Parenthood came under attack from extremists in Congress, Bill de Blasio fought to protect our funding and our reputation,” said Joan Malin of Planned Parenthood of New York City Political Committee. “As a City Council member, Bill co-sponsored landmark legislation to establish protective zones around reproductive health centers, and prevent harassment of women using their services. As Public Advocate, Bill was among the first in the city to call for the removal of the racist billboard in SoHo targeting African American women. As Mayor, Bill de Blasio will work for increased access to reproductive health care in underserved communities and will fight to regulate so-called crisis pregnancy centers that deceive and mislead women seeking counseling.”

“Bill de Blasio will make an outstanding mayor because he cares about all New Yorkers, including those whose voices have all too often gone unheard,” said Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). “Too many New Yorkers are struggling just to survive in this city and they need a champion like Bill de Blasio. The RWDSU enthusiastically endorses him.”

“Over the last few months, Bill de Blasio has articulated a progressive vision for New York City that the members of our Union fully support,” said Bruce W. Both, President of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1500. “Over the years Bill has always been there to support our members as they have fought to improve their wages, benefits and quality of life. Bill de Blasio will make sure that those living on Main Street are not left behind at the expense of those prospering on Wall Street.”
“Bill is a proven progressive leader who’ll lead our city in a new and bold direction,” said Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz. “From his plan to create and preserve nearly 200,000 units of affordable housing to his commitment to the outer boroughs, Bill’s a champion for New Yorkers in every neighborhood in our city. As a fellow Brooklynite, I couldn’t be prouder to endorse his candidacy and help put him over the finish line this November.”

Photo: @brigidbergin

(YWN – NYC Desk)

One Response

  1. Nice guy.

    and what’s wrong with the Abraham Beame/ John Lindsey theory of public finance. They’ve tried it in Detroit, and they’re leading their division by a comfortable margin (unlike the Yankees or Mets).

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