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Shas Taps Tzuriel Krisfel in the Elad Race

krisfelTzuriel Krisfel received the bracha of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita and is now the Shas party candidate to head the list in the Elad municipal election. Tzvika Cohen, the party’s original candidate decided to drop out of the race leaving Aryeh Deri with a hole that had to be filled rather quickly as elections are set for after the Tishrei yomim tovim.

The decision by Cohen to leave the race was a real boost for Sruly Porush, who is faring well in the polls. However, with the appointment of another Shas candidate eyes are on MK Meir Porush, who was warned by Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita that if his son does not pull out of the race, the gadol hador will not forgive him for his betrayal. Rav Ovadia pointed out that Elad is primarily a Sephardi community and Porush has no right to put his son up against a Shas candidate.

Just a few short hours after receiving a bracha from Rav Ovadia in Har Nof, Krisfel was heading to Elad and his vehicle was involved in an accident on Highway 444 at Shoham Junction. His wife sustained light injuries to a shoulder and was transported to Sharon Hospital. It is reported that Tzuriel was not injured but he accompanied his wife to the hospital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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