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Simchayof Heads Shas’ Jerusalem List

simchayofShas leader Aryeh Deri on Wednesday 7 Tishrei 5774 made his decision and veteran party Jerusalem councilman Eli Simchayof will head the party list in the upcoming municipal elections. This was not a given for just a few short weeks ago Deri signaled he was going to build a new list, fresh faces, so despite Simchayof’s warm relationship with Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita, his appointment was not a given.

A seasoned local politician, Simchayof is a veteran at Jerusalem City Hall but undoubtedly he and Shas leaders are hoping the next term will be served under Moshe Leon. Simchayof’s relationship with Mayor Nir Barkat has been strained at best. For example, back in 2012, when Barkat suspended Deputy Mayor Simchayof due to his alleged connection to the Holyland real estate case, Simchayof was quick to accuse Barkat of discrimination.

It will be a difficult race for chareidim in Yerushalayim for the incumbent enjoys considerable support among the non-frum and dati leumi communities, as well as among some chareidim. Leon may be Shas’ official candidate but many chareidim remember him and his statements in which he blamed the nationwide housing shortage on chareidim. He is a far cry from the ideal candidate and at present, it appears unlikely that he will succeed in rallying in the greater chareidi vote in the upcoming race.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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