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Israel Increasingly Concerned Over Events in Sinai

sinaiAccording to Egyptian media reports an Israeli emissary arrived in Cairo for several hours of high-level talks with security officials amid growing concerns over events in Sinai. The report states the official arrived in a private jet accompanied by two officials.

Just Wednesday morning 7 Tishrei 5774 a suicide car bombing attack in Sinai claimed the lives of at least 5 Egyptian security forces, leaving about 20 injured.

Sinai has transformed from a tranquil area to a major terrorist base, which continues to worry security and intelligence officials in Israel. The once demilitarized area is now unstable as terrorist and government forces continue battling for control of the area. For Israel, which prefers to remain uninvolved, the instability and possible loss of control to terrorists is a high priority matter.

There were reported rocket attacks into Eilat in both July 2013 and June, and this new reality in Sinai poses a significant threat to Israelis living in rocket range of the border. In its monthly terrorism summary, the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) cited one attack in August as well. B’chasdei Hashem, to date there have not been any fatalities as a result of these reported attacks.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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