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Just How Much Can Lapid Despise Frum Yidden?

lapIt would appear that with his recent statements released to the media by MK (Yahadut Hatorah) Moshe Gafne; he may have unknowingly worsened conditions for chareidi nonprofits.

When the Knesset Finance Committee met it approved granting Paragraph 46 status to tens of nonprofit organizations. This is the equivalent of the American 501C tax deductible status that is a breath of life for organizations seeking to attract major donors.

Kikar quotes “a senior Finance Ministry official” anonymously explaining if Gafne would have kept his mouth closed the chareidi organizations would have had their status but after embarrassing Finance Minister Yair Lapid, he is holding these back. Lapid’s approval is required to permit dozens of chareidi affiliated organizations, shuls and mosdos to receive tax deductible status. It appears Lapid was angered when Gafne told the press that despite his harsh gezeiros, he will spin circles around Lapid by having dozens of nonprofits obtain nonprofit status, permitting them to attract large donors.

Making things worse, Lapid is moving to create an external committee to circumvent the Finance Committee towards empowering that committee to rule on granting the tax exempt status to nonprofits, hoping to exclude the Knesset Finance Committee from that process.

Gafne of course realizes if Lapid succeeds the consequences will be disastrous from chareidi-affiliated nonprofits. Gafne reiterates that the fact that there are no chareidi organizations or shuls among the organizations granted tax exempt status is unprecedented and serves to highlight just how deep-rooted Lapid’s hate for chareidim runs. Gafne told Finance Committee members during a session that the national government should be assisting these organizations and not the contrary.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. There’s a hiddush here????

    The entire goal of zionism for the last 100+ years has been to eliminate Torah from Jewish life, and to create a homeland where Jews can live “free” from the yoke of Torah. Don’t be shocked if they attempt to tax frum charities and schools, and to ban transfers from overseas to organizions that are opposed to zionist principles. Llooking at it from their perspectives, would they allow transfers to pro-terrorist groups – and from their perspective, we are a bigger threat to them than Hamas.

    At times YWN (and the hareidim who have been having their bread buttered by the zionists for the last 60 years) sound like those German Jews in the mid-1930s were were genuinely shocked when it started to dawn on them that the Nazis really were trying to hurt them.

  2. The Lapid/Lipman/Piron cabal are the biggest reshoyim serving the Israeli Government since the zionist states founding. They are even worse then Lapid’s father Tommy and his Shiuni party.

  3. My cousin owns a Non-Profit Organization, that prints Pashkivilin against the army and against stores that sell skirts and tights.
    Now with this new Gezeiro, he might not get funding.

  4. Even if he cancels the section 46 benefits of Yeshivot, there is still the possibility under certain circumstances to nevertheless benefit from it – per the US tax treaty with Isr.

  5. Yira: Don’t complain. In Germany and the Soviet Union people like that were thrown in concentration camps. In fact, in many countries criticizing the military is considered treason.

  6. #3 How sad that he NOT get funding!!!!!!

    Malicious and angry behavior one to the other will never solve any problems. So keep on screaming, accusing and mud slinging…..

  7. As if by clockwork, apukerma and other henchmen (Athought, where are you?)issue their deranged commetns, seeing a rosho everywhere but in their mirror.
    Yira: well, are you surprised why you cousin’s organization is not approeved?

  8. #1. Your logic is quite funny. Zionists have funded Chareidi Yeshivas for 65+ years, only to lull them to sleep so they can destroy them?

    Also, some of these Chareidi politicians need to get some seichel. Ranting and raving accomplishes nothing. They should use their brains.

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