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Egged & Israel Railways Schedules for Erev & Motzei Yom Kippur

egednnOn Friday erev Yom Kippur 5774 Egged will stop intercity routes gradually between 13:30-15:00. Intracity buses will stop operating between 14:00-15:00.

Bus service in Yerushalayim on motzei Yom Kippur will resume at 21:00. Service to chareidi areas will resume at 21:45. Egged explains this permits drivers to break their fast and avoid chilul yomtov.

To better serve passengers traveling from Yerushalayim to Bnei Brak Egged will operate express pick up points. These locations will begin operating at 21:45. The 402 line will operate an express stop at Kiryat Belz, which will be operational when service is renewed until 01:00.

On the 450 line to Ashdod, the express stop will begin with the resumption of service, once again in Kiryat Belz until 01:00. Regarding buses to other chareidi areas, Egged reports service will run on the regular schedule beginning at 21:45. Egged will increase the number of buses operating on the 418 line to Beit Shemesh from the Aperion stop.

For those davening at the Kosel bus service will begin at 19:55 to take mispallalim towards city center. Egged reminds passengers that while they are not asked to pay, the ride is not free and the payment should be made at one’s earliest opportunity.

Egged urges passengers to keep abreast of holiday scheduling by phoning the information center at *2800.

In another transportation note, Israel Railways will halt train service at 14:00 on erev Yom Kippur. Service will resume on motzei Yom Kippur at 23:46. For scheduling information, one may phone *5770.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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