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Violent Confrontations Between Police & Beit Shemesh Residents [VIDEOS]

Israel Police, who are enforcing a lockdown in Beit Shemesh due to a high infection rate of the coronavirus, discovered a building in which dozens of students were learning on Tuesday.

The police also found a shul nearby where tefillos were being held contrary to Health Ministry regulations.

When the police began to enforce order and disperse the participants, violence ensured during which hundreds of Beit Shemesh residents threw rocks and other objects at the police, yelling calls of “Nazis.” Two police vehicles were damaged.

The police arrested seven suspects on charges of illegal gatherings, disorderly conduct, and assaulting police officers.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Sad, Chillul Hashem. Din Retzach. Totally Off the Derech. Dont go begging for tzedaka for a poor almana when you are spreading viruses in such an irresponsible manner. What happened to Torah Values, VeNishmartem etc?

  2. It is amazing how if the police would do a tenth of what they do here in israel (to unarmed civilians and young children) everyone of you commentators and all the media would be up in arms …but so long as there only beating up haredi or hilltop kids everyone in america is ok with it…
    A jew from the gush

  3. YWN please post the “hard to look at pictures” where you can clearly see how they are hurting young children. The world needs to know,it is in Israel’s best interests. (if the gov feels a child needs to be arrested there are humane ways to do that)

  4. @ Let’s be real, and if it is known that Israeli police are not so gentle and humane with children, which responsible parent would let their child even be found in a demonstration or in a situation where he is breaking the law? Is it perhaps because they want to make a political statement against police even while putting their children in harm’s way?

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