Tragedy In Germany: Chabad Shaliach Rav Binyamin Wolff, 43, Dies From COVID-19, Leaves 8 Orphans

Rav Binyamin Wolff, z’l, a Chabad shaliach in Hanover, Germany, passed away from the coronavirus on Friday night at the age of 43, leaving behind his wife, 8 young children, parents and siblings, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

Rav Wolff is the son of Rav Menny and Feigel Wolff of Kiryat Malachi, Israel, and is the son-in-law of the famed Chabad shaliach Rav Moshe Greenberg, z’l, and his wife Devorah, of Bnei Brak.

Rav Wolff was extremely successful as a shaliach in Hanover and over the years managed to make a complete turnabout in the Jewish identity of the lives of many Jews in the city.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

A fund was set up to assist his family in this hard time

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I knew the Rabbi personal as i traveled many times to Hanover for exhibitions . We went to daven there and the Rabbi always struggled to put a minyen together with such mesires nefesh and served us breakfast .
    his life was really devoted for yiddishkeit as Hanover has very few shomrei torah yidden left and the rabbi was building it brick by brick and i saw his rebbetzen teaching her kids Torah her being the rebetzen,mother,teacher , looking after every yid in Hanover.He deserved his name Erliche Upgeheetene Yid in every way.
    May he be a mylitz yosher for his family who are left so broken and lost and be a mylitz yosher for Klal Yisroel.

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