Felder Tells NYC Parks Dept: Prepare For Large Influx Of Visitors During Chol Hamoed Sukkos

feldIn advance of the Sukkos holiday, Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) has contacted New York City Parks Department Commissioner Veronica White to advise her to prepare for the large influx of Orthodox Jewish families who will visit the City’s parks and attractions during Sukkos. A copy of the letter was also distributed to parks in each borough, and to local attractions including zoos, aquariums, and museums.

In a letter to the Commissioner, Senator Felder praised the Parks Department and detailed some of the more common frustrations expressed by his constituents. “I would like to share some concerns and suggested improvements that have been brought to my attention,” Senator Felder wrote. “Namely, some parks have been understaffed or under renovation during this period, causing difficulty for both Parks Department personnel and visitors.” Senator Felder also noted that there have been issues involving Cool Culture card holders and confusion about program eligibility. He recommended posting Yiddish-speaking Parks staff to tend to visitors and head off any issues.

“Thank God, our community is growing every day, and our large families need safe and enjoyable places to bring our children during school breaks,” said Senator Felder. “Having to wait on line for hours only to be told something is closed or not accessible is not my version of a happy chol ha’moed.”

Brooklyn Borough Parks Commissioner Kevin Jeffrey has been in contact with Senator Felder to review specific plans to better accommodate the large number of visitors.

“Explaining the culture and traditions of our community to government agencies helps them to be more sensitive and better equipped to handle our needs,” Senator Felder added. “Communication and planning between city agencies, elected officials, and community leaders means fewer misunderstanding or disappointments.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. “Explaining the culture and traditions of our community to government agencies helps them to be more sensitive and better equipped to handle our needs,” –

    Agreed but perhaps Felder will also do some outreach to his own constituents and explain the culture of normal New Yorkers visiting our parks which includes waiting on lines in an orderly fashion given that the park facilities are not always equipped to accommodate large crowds and and not throwing trash on the lawns or on the ground but taking it home with you since many parks have eliminated trash cans. With a little effort on both sides, chol hamoed will be enjoyed by all.

  2. wow! So impressive Simcha.
    You probably were working on sending out this precious letter since your Councilman days.
    Im happy such important issues is being addressed.
    Im sure your gona be standing around the park and the zoo as well assisting the staff.
    Way to go! Keep up your very valuble work!

  3. I know a lot of people are not going to like what I’m writing. And maybe it shoul;’d even have to be brought up. BUT.
    He should also put signs in Yiddish and English in all the shul’s that say. Do not drop your candy and snack wrappers on zoo and Park grounds. I am very serious on teaching my children this. Two years ago I was in Central Park zoo and I had a contest how many wrappers we are going to pick up a long the way and put in the trash cans. It was close too twenty. Now you might say, Do you think only Haimishe people drop things in Parks. Well, maybe not but all of the wrappers were from Haimishe Kosher Companies.
    Gmar Chasime Tova

  4. Can I add to onlythetruth and request that if you’re taking your kids out in public try not to have them act like vilda chayas, ie please don’t push when on line and please do flush when you finish your business.

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